Optimizing of a Flex Project
This chapter provides a checklist for optimizing your WebOffice 10.9 R4 Flex project. It should serve as a suggestion for easier operation by the user.
For faster navigation through the chapter, use the following links:
•It is recommended to use the preview function when using basemaps, since the independent use of basemaps offers your user great advantages in the choice and compilation of map contents. Preview images additionally facilitate orientation, since a rough visual distinction of the different background maps is possible at a glance.
Optimally provide your thumbnails with a size of 90x60 pixels, but at least in an aspect ratio of 3:2. |
•More details can be found in the chapter Basemaps •For more information regarding the configuration of basemaps please click here. |
•If both map views and base maps are used, then the Compact option should be selected for the Map views switch type, because no standard preview image can be selected for map views due to the separate switching of the base maps.
Suppose a preview image for the map view Sewers was created. On this use preview image the initially set base map Cadaster is shown. If the base map has now been changed to Orthophoto within the WebOffice 10.9 R4 project, the provided preview image could lead to confusion, since selecting the map view Sewers would not necessarily reactivate the base map Cadaster. |
For more details see chapter Map views. |
•If, contrary to the recommendations, only map views without basemaps are used, the preview function should be used for map views. Since the basemap cannot be switched independently in this scenario, it is also possible to create preview images with the corresponding basemap for the map view.
Note: For more details see chapter Map views and Basemaps.
A single-line text entry, with which all content can be found, is standard in many web applications and is one of the most frequently used functions on mobile devices. In WebOffice 10.9 R4 this function is provided by the fulltext search. Therefore, when optimizing WebOffice 10.9 R4 Projects for WebOffice flex, try to make all content contained in the project accessible via the fulltext search in order to be able to offer your users a simple and fast search function.
•For more information regarding the functionality see chapter Fulltext search of the WebOffice flex. •For more details regarding configuration see chapter Fulltext search. |
It is recommended to configure the tool MapTip instead of Identify.
MapTip should be activated initially. By clicking on the map, the user immediately receives information about the queried object, and does not have to activate the tool beforehand. The functionality of MapTip is very similar to the established search engines on the Internet. This allows a simpler and more intuitive operation compared to the tool Identify.
The following points should always be considered:
•MapTip should by default be used for simple projects (e.g.: public projects with different topics where new users should quickly find their way, who do not yet know the project content)
•If the amount of data is high enough to select only a specific topic or topics: either MapTip or Identify can be used.
•It is not recommended to use both tools in one WebOffice Project because the functionality is mostly identical and there are no benefits doing so.
In order to better display search results and popups, the following points must be considered:
•In the search result view, either the name of the search result or the object name should be displayed. This allows the user to see at a glance for which topic the search results are displayed.
For more details see chapter Search Result View. |
•Depending on the application, it is recommended to activate the option Keep search results after selecting single result. This allows you to display further search results without having to restart the search. In addition, a search icon must always be assigned, which best reflects the purpose of the search.
More details can be found here. |
•For a better overview it is recommended to either use the default settings of the position of the popups (by default next to the selected object) or to dock it in the lower left corner.
For more details see chapter Popup position. |
•Are zoom buttons necessary or is zooming by finger gestures sufficient? If the WebOffice 10.9 R4 project is primarily designed for mobile use, there is a high probability that the user will use finger gestures for zooming, which makes the display of the zoom buttons unnecessary. In addition, space is saved and the appearance is simplified, which leads to improved legibility and usability.
For more details see chapter Navigation. |
•Customize tools: Only the tools necessary for the project should be visibly integrated for the user, as they not only take up unnecessary space, but also complicate the appearance. It is also recommended to add rarely used tools to the group of initially hidden tools. If necessary, the user can expand the group of initially hidden tools in the toolbar.
For more details see chapter Tools. |
•Predefine Markup Style: By configuring markup styles, the user can easily switch between different styles. It also simplifies user guidance by eliminating the need for the user to create the style himself and reducing the number of setting options offered by the tool form.
For more details see chapter Markup Style. |
•Print: If the print resolution is defined in the print template, the button for controlling the resolution can be deactivated on the tool. This simplifies the tool form,
For more details see chapter Print. |
•Legend: To display legends, it is essential to use .png files and not .pdf files. This improves the display, as a unified height and width of the image can be specified and thus all legends are displayed in a consistent size.
For more details see chapter Legend. |
•Map rotation: This function is helpful if a different map orientation then pointing north is needed for special situations.
For more details see chapter Map Rotation. |
The WebOffice flex Client is delivered with different user interfaces. These are also called skins.
This makes it possible to change the entire appearance of the user interface and adapt it if desired to the customer's corporate identity. This allows the company's own color scheme to be incorporated into the WebOffice flex Client.
If the footerColor of the skin is adjusted, you have to make sure that icons which are used for external applications are also adjusted in color. |
More information regarding skins can be acquired in chapter Project Skins. |
Basically it is recommended to configure WebOffice 10.9 R4 projects with the security protocol HTTPS. In addition to a higher security standard, this is a precondition for using the location tool Geolocation, which is used to determine the user's position.
•For more details regarding the location tool see chapter Geolocation. •For more details regarding the use of HTTPS see chapter Explicitly Supported Scenarios for HTTPS. |