WebOffice URL call interface
WebOffice 10.9 R4 supports a set of actions and parameters in its URL call interface. The complete list of actions and parameters is provided in the file pub/url-parameters.info as well.
Parameters and values are in general case sensitive. Therefore please check the correct case of your HTTP query string parameters and values. Values with certain characters like apostrophes, double apostrophes/quotes and various types of parentheses (round/square) are not used in the externalcall.jsp from CSS (Cross Site Scripting). The reason for this is that certain characters are no longer supported for security reasons, so that security gaps can be closed. Affected special characters, which should be avoided for using in external-ID, are for example: <> () Note that whenever you want to pass floating point numbers (extents, x/y coordinates etc) in the call interface, then you need to use . (dot) as comma delimiter. WebOffice 10.9 R4 parses floating point numbers in mathematical, locale independent way. |
See below for a detailed description off supported actions and parameters.
Action/Parameter |
Description |
Basic information and project start |
project |
Specifies the ID of the project (Project ID) to be launched by WebOffice 10.9 R4 client. E.g. use project=WebOffice_SampleProject for starting the WebOffice 10.9 R4 Sample Project configuration. |
client_app_referer |
When calling a project with this parameter, a new entry in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 statistic file will be done. The value of the parameter will be written into the column APP_REFERER of the statistic file. With this parameter you can get an overview of how many calls to WebOffice from which applications are done. Example https://<server>/<WebOffice_application>/externalcall.jsp?project=abc&client_app_referer=xyz Calling this example will write the value xyz into the column APP_REFERER.
group_id |
Holds the ID of the project group whose default project should be started. Project group ID have to be defined in application configuration. |
language |
Specifies the language to be used in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 client. If you e.g. want to start the WebOffice core client in German language then provide the setting language=de. Use language=en if you prefer English. •language=ar for Arabic. •language=bg for Bulgarian. •language=es for Spanish. •language=fa for Farsi. •language=fr for French. •language=hu for Hungarian. •language=it for Italian. •language=ro for Romanian. •language=ru for Russian. •language=sk for Slovak. •language=tr for Turkish. |
client |
Specifies the client to be used to start the WebOffice 10.9 R4 application. If the parameter is not used the application will always start with WebOffice core client. client=core starts with WebOffice core client client=flex starts with WebOffice flex client client=mobile starts with WebOffice mobile client client=auto causes mobile devices to start with WebOffice mobile client, others with the standard desktop client (by default WebOffice core client).
skin |
Skin to be used in the WebOffice flex client. Possible values are gray, green, brown or blue (that's the default-skin). E.g. client=flex&skin=green
action |
The parameter action=log is logging the client actions which can be displayed by the user using the CTRL+ALT+L shortcut.
stateID |
Loads the saved state specified by stated when launching the WebOffice 10.9 R4 client. E.g. &stateID=<stateName>
userprofile |
Loads the specified user profile when launching WebOffice 10.9 R4 client. userprofile is the name of a saved profile on the server. |
startmode |
winwidth winheight |
The parameters winwidth and winheight specify the width and the height of the popped up browser window in pixels.
Use this parameter if you want a specific tab to be opened directly in the WebOffice core client.
maximizemap=true |
With the parameter maximizemap=true the WebOffice core client will start with a maximized map, i.e. all ribbons and menus will be collapsed.
time_slider_profile_id |
With the parameter time_slider_profile_id= one of the defined TimeSlider profiles can be preselect.
statusbar |
If the parameter statusbar is passed with false, the WebOffice html client starts without showing the WebOffice statusbar.
toolbar |
If the parameter toolbar is passed with false, the WebOffice html client starts without showing the WebOffice toolbar.
If the parameter show_toc is passed with true, the WebOffice flex client starts with opened TOC.
maponly |
If the parameter maponly is passed with true, the WebOffice html client starts in a special GUI mode, where only the map is displayed.
cd display |
These parameters will be used to display custom data from an external application in WebOffice 10.9 R4 client and on the print output document. This attribute data can come from a third-party application and can be passed via URL call (http POST). Customtitle ct and customdata cd are used as a pair of values, it is possible to use several pairs. It is possible to pass multiple fact records to the URL Call Interface (ct<1>;cd<1> to ct<n>;cd<n>) •ct1=ID; cd1=123; •ct2=name; cd2=Miller; •ct3=city; cd3=Easton;
For positioning the iFrame with the custom data in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 client, use the parameter display: •topleft •topright •bottomleft •bottomright •floating •hidden •floating_minimized
The data will be displayed in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 client in a table with two columns, the first column with customtitle ct and the second one with customdata cd. For values which are too long a line break will be made.
Example: https://gisserver/WebOffice/externalcall.jsp?project=WebOffice_SampleProject&ct1=currency&cd1=Schweizer Franken&ct2=GDP per capita&cd2=$ 68.433&ct3=inflation rate (2008)&cd3=0,7 Prozent&ct4=employee (2009)&cd4=ca. 4,53 Mio&display=topright
It is also possible to display the custom data on the WebOffice 10.9 R4 print output document (like address, name of organization) if configured on the print template. See also chapter Custom data display on print template for more information. |
Map view and position |
view |
Sets the initial Map view in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 client.
basemapview |
Sets the initial Basemap view in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 client.
geo_bookmark |
Use this parameter if you want to display the map at a certain spatial extent.
xmin ymin xmax ymax |
Use these 4 parameters for specifying the initial map extent |
x |
Use this parameter to define the center point (X coordinate) for the initialization. |
y |
Use this parameter to define the center point (Y coordinate) for the initialization. |
lat lon |
Starts the application centered on the specified position (WGS84), which is defined by the parameters lat/lon (Decimal degree, separator = .). Works with any project lat/lon are projected from WGS84 into the project coordinate system. |
scale |
Use this parameter to define the initial scale.
This parameter is used to make an external project call with map rotation. The value is given in degrees (e.g. &rotation=55)
width |
Width (in pixels) of the map image |
height |
Height (in pixels) of the map image |
dpi |
Allows the creation of high quality map images for third applications. By default map images are rendered with a resolution of 96dpi. Increase the value to e.g. dpi=192 or dpi=288 for higher resolution.
exclude_north_and_scale=true |
With the parameter exclude_north_and_scale=true only a map image will be displayed. North arrow, scale bar and copyright will be suppressed. |
geo_tf |
Defines a specific geographic transformation (EPSG code; e.g. geo_tf=1618: MGI to WGS84) to be used to transform geographic coordinates.
coordmarker_lat_lon |
Displays an image (by default pub\images\meet_x_20_20.png) to mark the spot which was defined by the specified coordinates (in LAT / LON). Separate the coordinates either with a space character or with %20.
Example: &coordmarker_lat_lon=47.069 15.435 &coordmarker_lat_lon=47.069%2015.435 |
Displays an image (by default pub\images\meet_x_20_20.png) to mark the spot which was defined by the specified coordinates (in X / Y). Separate the coordinates either with a space character or with %20.
coordmarker_epsg |
Optional parameter that must be specified in connection with the parameter coordmarker_x_y if the initial coordinate system (projection of the marker coordinates to be transferred) differs from the target coordinate system (projection of the main map service in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 project). Otherwise the default value is always the coordinate system of the main map service. |
coordmarker_geo_tf |
Optional Parameter. Specifies a corresponding transformation code, if the markers should be passed in X/Y coordinates and the initial coordinate system (projection of the marker coordinates to be passed) differs from the target coordinate system (projection of the main map service in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 project).
coordmarker_id |
Enter the ID which is configured in WebOffice author standalone in Place Symbol as External Marker-ID. This image will be displayed on the spot that was defined in the parameter coordmarker_lat_lon. |
marker |
If marker=true the project starts with a marker at centerpoint when called in combination with x, y, scale or lat, lon, scale. |
service_url service_type layer_visibility |
Dynamically adds a map service at runtime (call shall be directed to externalcall.jsp, but from there may be redirected to synserver). The parameter service_url specifies the URL of the map service to be included. The parameter service_type specifies the type of service to be included (currently WMS for OGC WMS services or AGS for ArcGIS Server Internet Services) The parameter layer_visibility (on|off) defines the state of layers of the added service; if not provided default = off) |
If the tool Geolocation is configured in the project, it can be opened via parameter geolocation=false to explicitly not use the geolocation tool. |
External queries to WebOffice |
To perform a search in WebOffice 10.9 R4, this parameter can be passed. WebOffice 10.9 R4 then performs the search in the client and displays the results in the search result and on the map. The parameter query identifies a predefined search (see chapter Query).
•Search with multiple search fields: •Using wildcards: •Multilayer-Search:
Example: https://gisserver/WebOffice/externalcall.jsp?project=name&query=queryid_layer1&keyname=field_layer1&keyvalue=value_layer1&query2=queryid_layer2&keyname2=field_layer2&keyvalue2=value_layer2
•Geolocator service: |
Name of the search field
keyvalue |
Name of the search value |
m_from m_to |
The parameters m_from and m_to are only used for route segment searches in combination with query, keyname and keyvalue. Additionally, it is also possible to define a multiquery on m_from and m_to in order to be able to select multiple sections.
Example: https://gisserver/WebOffice/externalcall.jsp?project=SampleProject&query=road_routing&keyname=road_code&keyvalue=A23&m_from=13&m_to=18.5 |
separator |
The parameter separator defines the separation between several search values (keyvalue).
selection_type |
The parameter selection_type defines how the selection is executed: new|add|subtract
gui |
The parameter gui defines the display of the result gui: •hideresult displays the attributive result table, but minimizes it to allow a larger map display; •maponly displays the WebOffice GUI in a mode with maximized map display; the attributive result table is minimized, the left and right areas are also minimized
mode |
The mode parameter defines the modes for external query calls. Possible values are: •zoom_to •zoomto_minimized
•zoom_only •result_only •pan_only •locate_features •clear_selected |
The parameter processing defines the processing of several queries, which are identified by keyname, keyvalue, ... the following parameters are specified: •combined (default value) •separated
Example: https://gisserver/WebOffice/externalcall.jsp? query1=searchlyr&keyname1=city&keyvalue1=Chicago&keyname1=zone&keyvalue1=890&query2=searchlyr&keyname2=city&keyvalue2=Dallas&keyname2=zone&keyvalue2=890;891&processing=separated
The parameter &processing=separated means that query1 is executed before query2(internal): query1=searchlyr&keyname1=city&keyvalue1=Chicago&keyname1=zone&keyvalue1=890, then: query2=searchlyr&keyname2=city&keyvalue2=Dallas&keyname2=zone&keyvalue2=890;891 The results will be connected by OR. All conditions with the same number (1,2) will (internal) be connected by AND. |
query_preset |
Specifies the default layer or query to be used.
External filter definition to WebOffice |
Defines the external call ID of the layer
A combination of multilayer filters is allowed, following the same rules as multilayer queries.
A combination of query and filter is allowed, following the same rules as multilayer queries. Example: https://gisserver/WebOffice/externalcall.jsp?query=queryid_layer1&keyname=field_layer1&keyvalue=value_layer1&filter2=queryid_layer2&keyname2=field_layer2&keyvalue2=value_layer2 |
keyname |
Name of the search field (database field name, not the configured WebOffice alias) |
keyvalue |
Name of the search value |
query_filtered |
The parameter query_filtered offers the possibility to combine a query and a filter on a layer with the same parameters.
Sample long form: https://gisserver/WebOffice/externalcall.jsp?query=queryid_layer1&keyname=field_layer1&keyvalue=value_layer1&filter2=queryid_layer1&keyname2=field_layer1&keyvalue2=value_layer1
Sample short form: https://gisserver/WebOffice/externalcall.jsp?query_filtered=queryid_layer1&keyname=field_layer1&keyvalue=value_layer1
resetfilter |
Defines the external ID for the layer (resets a set filter to the layers). |
Starting WebOffice with a predefined active tool |
tool |
Use the tool parameter for setting a specific tool active.
Below is a list of all tool identifiers that are supported: •EDIT
Start WebOffice with predefined print tool |
tool=print |
Opens the tool Printing (Legacy) on project start up.
This parameter applies only to the Printing (Legacy) tool tool=print The parameter template_id can be used to preselect a specific print template. The external template ID has to be used, which is configured directly at the respective print template in WebOffice author standalone.woas_print_Template_File_Name
Example: https://gisserver/WebOffice/externalcall.jsp?project=WebOffice_SampleProject&client=core&tool=print&template_id=A3portrait&printfields=Referenznummer;Projektname;orgadr_value&printvalues=1234;Test-Projekt;Technologiestrasse 10 |
printfields |
This parameter applies only to the printing (Legacy) tool tool=print and has to be used with the parameters template_id and printfvalues. You can use the parameter printfields to pass the ID of field value/caption of printing fields and custom function fields (separated by semicolons if several values are used).
Example: https://gisserver/WebOffice/externalcall.jsp?project=WebOffice_SampleProject&client=core&tool=print&template_id=A3portrait&printfields=Referenznummer;Projektname;orgadr_value&printvalues=1234;Test-Projekt;Technologiestrasse 10 |
printvalues |
This parameter applies only to the printing (Legacy) tool tool=print and has to be used with the parameters template_id and printfields. You can use the parameter printvalues to pass the values for Field value and Field caption of printing fields and custom function fields (separated by semicolons if several values are used)
Example: https://gisserver/WebOffice/externalcall.jsp?project=WebOffice_SampleProject&client=core&tool=print&template_id=A3portrait&printfields=Referenznummer;Projektname;orgadr_value&printvalues=1234;Test-Projekt;Technologiestrasse 10 |
Start WebOffice with predefined layer activation |
map_layers_visibility |
This parameter is used to activate topics in the table of contents (TOC) via URL call interface. Format: "<extcallid>:<ON|OFF>" • ":ON" can be left out, i.e. "<extcallid>" is equivalent to "<extcallid>:ON" • Several configurations can be combined with ";"
The configured external identifier "extcallid" in "Search/query on layer (LAYERLIST)" -> "ArcGIS Layer (LAYER)" -> "Search/query (QUERY)" is used as extcallid. The layer that is defined as parent node "LAYER" is switched. Only searches are used for which the current user has permissions.
This parameter is used both initially and for external calls to an existing session. Only the specified layers in the current TOC are switched. All other layers remain unchanged
If this URL parameter is used, the "<User defined>" entry is selected in the "Map View" dropdown. This also happens if a specific map view was also defined at the start of the project, as the switching of the theme tree differs from the original configuration of the map view.
Only individual themes can be activated, not theme groups or services. If the activated theme is in a group or service that is not set as visible, the theme is not displayed on the map view. This is consistent with the behavior when the corresponding box is activated by the end user with the mouse instead of via the URL parameter.
In order to be able to show nested layers via the URL parameter, it is recommended to use a map view in which all services and theme groups are already active.
Example:https://gisserver/WebOffice/externalcall.jsp?project=name&map_layers_visibility=emergency:OFF;poi:ON |
Start WebOffice with predefined Concentric Circles |
concentric_circle_radius |
The radius must be specified in double values in meters (e.g. 2, 5, 10). |
concentric_circle_rings |
This parameter can be used to control the number of inner circles. This configuration is optional. Only the following values are permitted: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20
The default value is 3. |
concentric_circle_label |
This parameter controls whether the circles are to be labeled (true or false). The configuration is optional.
By default value true is defined here. |
concentric_circle_crosshair |
This parameter controls the crosshairs. Here you can choose between NONE, FOUR or EIGHT. The configuration is optional.
The default value is EIGHT. |
concentric_circle_x_y |
This parameter is optional. The position of the surrounding circle in X and Y coordinates can be determined here using double values.
By default, the center of the screen is used for positioning. |
concentric_circle_epsg |
This parameter is optional. This configuration can be used to define the EPSG code or a WKT (Well-Known-Text) to display the surrounding circle.
By default, the projection of the main map service is used here. |
concentric_circle_geo_tf |
This parameter is optional. This configuration can be used to define the EPSG code or a WKT (Well-Known-Text) to display the surrounding area.
No transformation is used here by default. |
concentric_circle_id |
This is also an optional configuration. The external call ID of a marking style can be specified here.
No predefined style is specified here by default. |
Example: concentric_circle_radius_1, concentric_circle_radius_two, concentric_circle_radius_station |
WebOffice 10.9 R4 URL call interface - actions and parameters
To get an impression of how to use the WebOffice URL Call interface and to have a test possibility for the calls, VertiGIS provides a test page for external calls (WebOffice - External call generator and test utility from file testextcall.htm) to view and test the functionality.
Call them with https://myserver.domain.com//testextcall.htm or in the WebOffice administration page (SynAdmin) in the area Application (Test page for external calls).
Test page for external calls