The Identify tool is configured by default to provide identify functionality. Use it to perform a simple query by clicking on it on the map display.
Identify tool configuration
Property |
Description |
Layerlist as result display? |
Specifies the type of display of the identify tool. true (default) displays the number of features per layer directly on the map. false displays all features in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 object browser. |
Layerselection with filter? |
Specifies if a layer filter should be active for the identify tool. false (default) deactivates the layer filtering in the selection box. true enables the layer filtering in the selection box. |
Use in the Flex client? |
Specifies whether to use this tool in the WebOffice flex client or not. |
Specifies whether the tool form will be displayed by default when activating the tool (affects Flex client only). |
Use in the Flex client? |
Specifies whether the tool is used in the Flex client (Yes / Default) or not (No). |
Use tool? |
Controls whether this tool is available in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 clients or not. |
Identify tool configuration
•In order to make this tool available in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 clients, at least one layer has to be identifiable. See chapter Layer Queries or use the WebOffice author standalone wizard Define Selectable/Identifiable Layers. •See chapter Identify for the tool appearance in the WebOffice core client. •See chapter Info for the tool appearance in the WebOffice mobile client. |