Define selectable/identifiable layers
This wizard helps you set up selectable/identifiable layers in your WebOffice 10.9 R4 project.
"Define selectable/identifiable layers" - Wizard in the WebOffice author standalone Menu
First, a service for which the selectable/identifiable layer should be configured needs to be selected. Here you can also filter according to the service type.
The chosen service type needs to contain vector data in order to enable selecting/identifying. |
Select Service for which a selectable/identifiable layer should be defined
Next, the layer needs to be configured. The following settings can be applied:
Defines if a search is possible on this layer.
Find more details in chapter Layer Queries. |
Defines if it is possible to identify and select the layer with tools.
Find more details in chapter Layer Queries. |
•Reference scale
Defines the standard scale for search results.
Find more details in chapter Layer Queries. |
The MapTip tool enables the identification of objects and attributes directly in the map.
Find more details in chapter MapTip. |
•Select search result
This option offers the following choices:
oNot set: No results will be shown for this layer
o<Layername>: Adopts the predefined selection options for this layer (only available if option is already predefined)
oNew search result: Creates a new search result. All fields are selected by default.
Select search result
Now, the result field for the selectable/identifiable Layer needs to be specified.
In general, all attribute fields for the search results are configured as standard. The user got the opportunity to enable or disable attribute fields for a user-defined search. The wizard offers the opportunity to configure multiple Search result views for a search. To create an additional search result, pick the entry New Search result.
The user can switch between the defined Search result views in the web-application. You can find further information in the chapter layer result toolbar. |
The following options can be configured for the result fields:
•Show field?
Defines if the field is displayed in the search result.
•Alias for search result
Defines the displayed Alias name in the Search result page of the user interface.
Defines the sort order and the object names in the presentation of results for multiple topics. It is possible to sort up to 5 fields ( starting with 1 (most important), continues with 2 and so on) none means that this field is not sorted.
The order of the column Sort order/Object name defines the object names of the search result view of a selection via multiple layers. The name of the object in the search result will be created by the order of the defined single fields. The field with the value 1 shows the first part of the object name. If to the field STREET the value 1 and to the field HOUSENR the field 2 will be allocated in a address data set, the result would be an object with STREET = Technologiestrasse AND HAUSNR = 10 and the object name would be Technologiestrasse 10. |
•Sort mode
Defines the sorting in value lists and results. If the sort mode is set to fieldtype, the order will result in sorted field attributes. The user has the possibility to set fields with partly numeric content to alphanumeric to get a alphanumeric sorting of for example cadaster data sets.
Modify selected search result
Finally, a summery of the wizard in the WebOffice author standalone is shown.
Wizard "Define Selectable/Identifiable Layers" - Summary
To finish the wizard click Finish.
After finishing, the configuration is available in your WebOffice 10.9 R4 project.