List of Projections
Configure a List of Projections to provide the user specific defined Projections for several purposes:
•The List of Projections and Projections have to be defined for each of the listed tools individually. •It is not possible to include a projection several times in the list of projections. If a projection is entered several times, e. g. to use different transformations (different transformation code / string), only the first configured transformation is used. It is always recommended to use the same transformation code / string if a projection occurs in the list of projections in different tools. If problems occur, the WebOffice log file displays a corresponding message. |
List of projections configuration
Property |
Description |
Name of main map projection |
Name of geographic projection of main map.
List of Projections configuration
Below the list of projections, configure Projection element to specify projections parameters for target projections. Provide EPSG code if available. Provide projection parameters otherwise.
Projection configuration
Property |
Description |
Name |
Projection name appearing in the user interface.
Projection ID/String |
Provide EPSG code if available. Provide projection parameters otherwise (Easiest way is to copy it out of the .prj file). |
Geographic Transformation Code/String |
Geographic transformation code. Codes are listed in <ArcGIS_Desktop_Installation_Folder>\Documentation\geographic_transformations.pdf or you may use the VertiGIS Projection Helper |
Result precision |
Specifies how many digits after the comma should be used for display of double values. |
Output format |
Specifies output format for coordinates •decimal output as double - the number of digits is defined by the Result precision •degree output in degrees (DD°MM'SS.NN'') - the number of digits of the seconds is defined by the Result precision •degree_decimal_minutes provides the output in (GG°MM,NN'') format. The number of decimal digits is defined by the Result precision.
Specifies whether the coordinates get formatted <latitude/longitude> (true) or <longitude/latitude> (false) in the clipboard.
Projection category |
Group category for projection lists displayed for the following tools: Search/reproject coordinate |
Projection properties
Deleting and then adding the node List of Projections or single projections may change the projection ID in the XML file. This changed ID must also be adjusted in the GWR Integrator tool, if configured. |
•See the HowTo chapter Configure Projections for a detailed description of a projection configuration. •See chapter Search/Reproject Coordinates for details about the tool configuration in WebOffice author standalone. •See chapter Coordinate Search for details about projections in combination with the coordinate search tool in the WebOffice core client. •See chapter Upload Local Geodata for details about the tool configuration in WebOffice author standalone. •See chapter Add Local Geodata for details about projections in combination with the add local geodata tool in the WebOffice core client. •See chapter WebOffice extract server for details about the tool configuration in WebOffice author standalone. •See chapter Export Profile Raster Data for details about the tool configuration in WebOffice author standalone. •See chapter Print for details about the tool configuration in WebOffice author standalone. •See chapter Data Export for details about projections in combination with the data export tool in the WebOffice core client. •See chapter Data Export for information about the WebOffice extract server functionality in the WebOffice flex client. •See HowTo chapter Export Profiles Supporting Various Projections for a detailed description how to handle different projections when using WebOffice extract server functionality. •See chapter Editing for more information about the use of vertex geometry dialog with various projections in the WebOffice core client. |