Template (File Name)
Use the Template (File Name) element for providing configuration properties for a specific print template and its related print template document (.layout file) as well as print tool form default settings.
Configuration of a print template
Property |
Description |
Print template name |
Print template name displayed in WebOffice 10.9 R4 clients. |
Template ID |
Template ID of WebOffice plot template. If e.g. the print template file is named A4_portrait.layout, then the template ID is A4_portrait, i.e. the file name without extension.
Optionally specifies the available print scales and the preselected (default) print scale. Print scale values get delimited by |, so if you e.g. want to provide a choice of print scales 1000, 2500, 5000 and 10000 then use 1000|2500|5000|10000.
Specifies whether the user is allowed to define a free print scale on projects with predefined scale levels (Yes) or not (No/default). |
Allow reprojection? |
Specifies whether this template can be used with an alternative spatial reference. When using reprojection, Print series and Index Plot are disabled.
DPI resolution |
Resolution for print out (in DPI) when choosing high resolution in Print tool form. The value is usually a multiple of 96 (192 or 288). The low resolution print out works with screen resolution (96 DPI). |
Specifies whether to check the high resolution option in print tool form for this print format by default or not. |
Map View |
Specifies the map view to be used for print output. The current layer visibility setting in the client gets ignored then. this way specific plot contents are assured. If no map view is referenced here, the current layer visibility setting in the client is taken into account. |
From search result only? |
Specifies whether the print template is available from the search result page only (the plot template will not be available in the template list of the print tool form). Use option Yes whenever layer specific attribute data is displayed in the pri |
Suppress Copyright? |
Specifies copyright display in output |
Default rotation |
Specifies the default print rotation for this print template. |
Plot template category |
Display group for plot category |
External Template-ID |
Template id used for external calls. External IDs may not contain spaces or special characters. Certain special characters like angle brackets may not be used as external-ID, as well as: () |
Template (File Name) properties
For each print template it is possible to configure predefined function fields and Custom function fields in WebOffice author standalone or use function fields that do not have to be configured in WebOffice author standalone but only on the *.layout file with WebOffice plot author. The set of predefined function fields in WebOffice author standalone comprise:
There are also function fields that do not have to be configured in WebOffice author standalone but can be used on a print output just by configuring them on the *.layout file with WebOffice plot author:
•syn_crs: The function field writes the name of the coordinate system (either the Esri description or the configured aliases) into the expression (see chapter List of Projections for details)
•createdat_caption & createdat_value: The function field createdat_value writes the current time into the expression
•scale_caption & scale_value: The function field scale_value writes the selected scale of the print output into the expression
•syn_index: The function field syn_index shows the page number when creating a print series
Additionally, the following printing functions are available:
Function fields provide dynamic text content to the print output document. In order to get the contents of a function field provided in a print output file
•the function field must be specified in the print template (layout file) itself
•the function field is referenced in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 print template configuration (see subsequent chapters)
•the function field is referenced in UserManagement Admin Web in Users, Groups or Print Profiles properties
•the function field is referenced in the User Properties of the LDAP configuration in the Application Configuration.
However, if more than one of the three references exist, then the print template of the project configuration gets overruled by the properties of the WebOffice usermanagement, which itself gets overruled by the LDAP configuration. |
A function field is identified by a unique identifier.
In the WebOffice 10.9 R4 project configuration, two function fields are always treated as a pair because in general you want to print a caption as well as a value (e.g. for the function field Name of Organization, the caption would be Name of Organization, the value would be VertiGIS GmbH.
In the subsequent chapters you find all predefined function fields as well as a custom function field. For all predefined function fields the available configuration properties are the same except the predefined function field IDs (ID of field caption and ID of field value), scale and date which cannot be changed in WebOffice author standalone.
•In case you are using for example the ArcGIS Web Adaptor and there are some services to be used in WebOffice 10.9 R4, it is recommended to configure the ArcGIS Server Output Service also via ArcGIS Web Adaptor. Otherwise, the print quality may be reduced. Find more details about the configuration of the output service in chapter ArcGIS Server Output Service. •By using the characters \n it is possible to force line breaks in the function fields. But these characters will be ignored in the function field Creator, in this field line breaks are not possible. •See chapters Users, Groups and Print Profiles if you want to manage function fields with UserManagement Admin Web. •See chapter User Properties if you want to manage function fields with the LDAP configuration. •See chapter Print Series to allow printing of multiple pages. •See chapter Enable Index Plot to allow printing alongside an index line. |