Printing with Function Fields
Optimize printing in WebOffice 10.9 R4 by using function fields to display various dynamic information on your print output ranging from scale, north arrow and logos to user and group information (when using WebOffice usermanagement). The configuration of function fields usually comprises the following steps with some of them being optional:
1.Configuration in print template: Every function field that should be displayed must be configured in the print template (*.layout file)
2.Configuration in WebOffice 10.9 R4 project configuration: Most function fields also need to be configured in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 project configuration in the Template (File Name) configuration element
3.Configuration in UserManagement Admin Web: If WebOffice usermanagement is activated, many function fields can be configured in UserManagement Admin Web
4.Configuration in WebOffice 10.9 R4 application configuration: If WebOffice usermanagement is activated and the authentication type is LDAP or SSO, function fields can be configured in the application configuration
If one specific function field is configured in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 project configuration, the UserManagement Admin Web and the WebOffice 10.9 R4 application configuration, then WebOffice 10.9 R4 will use the following rules:
•a function field reference in the Template (File Name) configuration element will be overruled by
•a function field reference in UserManagement Admin Web in Users, Groups or Print Profiles properties, which will itself be overruled by
•a function field reference in the User Properties of the LDAP configuration in the application configuration.
Find a complete list of all predefined function fields in WebOffice 10.9 R4 below. Use the links to get detailed information about specific function fields.
It is possible to create new function fields by using Custom Function Fields. |
Name |
Technical ID Caption |
Technical ID Value |
Only Layout |
Type |
title_caption |
title_value |
Text |
creator_caption |
creator_value |
Text |
orgname_caption |
orgname_value |
Text |
orgadr_caption |
orgadr_value |
Text |
- |
company_logo |
Logo |
- |
community_logo |
Logo |
disclaimer_caption |
disclaimer_value |
Text |
user_given_name_caption |
user_given_name_value |
Text |
user_sur_name_caption |
user_sur_name_value |
Text |
email_caption |
email_value |
Text |
phone_caption |
phone_value |
Text |
fax_caption |
fax_value |
Text |
user_company_caption |
user_company_value |
Text |
user_division_caption |
user_division_value |
Text |
user_department_caption |
user_department_value |
Text |
user_street_address_caption |
user_street_address_value |
Text |
user_zipcode_caption |
user_zipcode_value |
Text |
user_city_caption |
user_city_value |
Text |
user_city_caption |
user_city_value |
Text |
mobilephone_caption |
mobilephone_value |
Text |
Scale |
scale_caption |
scale_value |
Text |
Scale Overview |
scale_caption_ov |
scale_value_ov |
Text |
Current Map View |
syn_mapview_caption |
syn_mapview |
Text |
Page |
syn_index_caption |
syn_index |
Text |
Copyright |
syn_copyright_caption |
syn_copyright |
Text |
Coordinate System |
syn_crs_caption |
syn_crs |
Text |
Legend |
- |
syn_legend |
Logo |
Dynamic Legend |
- |
syn_dyn_legend |
Logo |
- |
syn_coord_marker |
Logo |
- |
northarrow |
Logo |
- |
syn_scalebar |
Logo |
- |
syn_scalebar_nms |
Logo |
Scalebar (Web Mercator) |
- |
syn_client_scalebar |
Logo |
Top left X Coordinate |
- |
Text |
Top left Y Coordinate |
- |
Text |
Top right X Coordinate |
- |
Text |
Top right Y Coordinate |
- |
Text |
Bottom left X Coordinate |
- |
Text |
Bottom left Y Coordinate |
- |
Text |
Bottom right X Coordinate |
- |
Text |
Bottom right Y Coordinate |
- |
Text |