Advanced Search
WebOffice flex supports non-hierarchic as well as hierarchic predefined queries and depending on the configuration the respective tool form will be initially displayed or can be accessed from the full-text search toolbar
Besides WebOffice flex also enables you to use
Note: VertiGIS recommends to try to cover as much as possible with the global full-text search, since it follows the widely used see what you get approach (e.g. Google search). Use predefined queries only where absolutely necessary.
Depending on your WebOffice 10.9 R4 configuration the initial tool form can vary in its appearance. See the figures below to understand how the full-text search form appears based on your configuration environment.
User Interface |
Description |
WebOffice 10.9 R4 project contains: •full-text search (global) •List of Predefined Queries, Geolocator Query or WFS Queries that can be accessed with the ≡ Button
Full-text search is initially displayed, click the ≡ Button to switch to the list of queries in advanced search. |
WebOffice 10.9 R4 project contains: •List of Predefined Queries, Geolocator Query or WFS Queries that can be accessed with the ≡ Button •a defined Default Query
Defined default query is initially started |
WebOffice 10.9 R4 project contains: •List of Predefined Queries, Geolocator Query or WFS Queries that can be accessed with the ≡ Button
Since neither full-text search nor a default query is defined, the list of queries will initially be displayed. Additionally, there is no X button because of the absence of the full-text search. |
Note: See chapter Icons for WebOffice flex for more information on how to create the search icons for advanced search.
Advanced search uses a graphical control element named breadcrumbs to allow users to track their location inside of the list of queries. The more you navigate in especially hierarchic queries, more links back to the previous query step will be provided.
•Breadcrumbs with non-hierarchic queries:
oContents > <name of the query>
•Breadcrumbs with hierarchic queries:
oContents > <name of the query> > <hierarchical level 1 search field alias>
oContents > <name of the query> > <hierarchical level 1 selected value> > <hierarchical level 2 search field alias> > ...
In order to get back to the list of queries, users can either click on the breadcrumb Contents or use k in the right corner of the advanced search form.
Breadcrumb and X button in non-hierarchic advanced search of the WebOffice flex client
With hierarchic queries you can use the breadcrumbs to
•identify the position inside the query, i.e. in which hierarchic level you are at the moment
•identify the previously made choices regarding search values
•identify the search field that you are currently at
•navigate to any previous position of the hierarchic query
•navigate back to the list of predefined queries
Breadcrumbs with a hierarchic advanced search in the WebOffice flex client
Non-hierarchic queries appear as
•value list
•text input with auto completion
Note: The input field type text input will be transformed into a text input with auto completion in the WebOffice flex client.
Note: The input field types value list and big value list have the same appearance in the WebOffice flex client.
Note: Mandatory search fields are marked with *.
When using a value list, all values can be accessed by opening the drop down list. With the value list with auto completion, a text input field is shown that will provide suggestions once the user starts entering a term.
Note: The configured LIKE search option has impact on the behavior of the query. I.e. if you use a LIKE comparison with LIKE search option contains, it is possible to provide a layer query that can be searched like a thematic full-text search without any wildcard. See chapter Input Control Types.
Value list in the WebOffice flex client
Value list with auto completion in the WebOffice flex client
Display of concatenation between search fields
The relationships or links between the search fields can be shown in the advanced search of the WebOffice flex. These relationships can be displayed directly in the search form to give the user a better understanding of how the respective search works.
Display of concatenation between search fields in the WebOffice flex client
Note: For more information on how to configure the display of the concatenation for the WebOffice flex client please see chapter common settings of the WebOffice author standalone
Hierarchic queries require the user to go through a search level by level. Only objects that meet the search criteria of previous levels may be found in the next hierarchic level.
Hierarchic queries appear as
•value list or
•text input with auto completion
Note: The input field type text input will be transformed into a text input with auto completion in the WebOffice flex client.
Note: The input field types value list and big value list have the same appearance in the WebOffice flex client.
Note: Mandatory search fields are marked with *.
Other than non-hierarchic queries, value lists with hierarchic queries don't appear as drop down lists. Instead all values of the list are visible in the first place and can be selected. After selecting a value from the first hierarchic level, only values of the second hierarchic level that match the first chosen comparison will be listed. This may continue up to five times. Additionally, you can use the Show all option to display all objects in the map.
Advanced search with hierarchy and value lists in the WebOffice flex client
Advanced search with hierarchy and text input with auto completion in the WebOffice flex client
If an Integration of external application is configured on a query layer, it is displayed directly in the advanced search.
Integration of external application
Note: For more information see chapter Integration (Call FROM WebOffice).
Note: The Show all option will not be available if a search field of a hierarchic level is defined as mandatory and therefor marked with *.
With a one-click-query the user does not have to give any input, instead the search will be executed automatically.
Note: Please find more details about configuration in chapter Query - Where Clause.
The WebOffice flex client allows a filtering search. With this option the queried features will be selected and any other features from this layer will not be displayed in the map. So only results from the search result will be displayed in the map. When the search or the result popup is closed, the filtering will automatically be reset too.
Note: Please find more details about the configuration of a filtering search with WebOffice author in chapter Query - Where Clause.
Note: If the option filtering search is activated, the WebOffice flex client executes the filtering search by default.
With WebOffice flex client it is also possible to perform a between search on number or date fields. They vary from other query types since the search requires the user to define two search values (from and to).
Note: Please find more details about the configuration of a between search with WebOffice author in chapter Comparison Elements
WebOffice flex supports the categorization of predefined queries. For more information about the configuration of categories for predefined queries, please see chapters List of Search Categories (information on how to create categories) and Query - Where Clause (information on how to assign categories).
Search categories in WebOffice flex client