WebOffice Administration Page (SynAdmin)

WebOffice 10.9 R4 has an administration page called SynAdmin which contains the following tabs:

Overview and management of all projects of your WebOffice 10.9 R4 application

Executing various, administrative function to the application itself

DB Connections
Overview of all database connections that are configured in your WebOffice 10.9 R4 projects

Map Services
Information on all map services used by your WebOffice 10.9 R4 map services used by your projects

Full Text Search
Information on WebOffice FTS-Index specific details and administration for the creation of subindices

Checking the WebOffice 10.9 R4 license status

Display of important information about the system at runtime

Administration of the used SSL certificates of the WebOffice application

Administration of log settings and insight into the log file

Insight and export of WebOffice application statistics

Access to latest WebOffice updates

Administration of the SynAdmin password



SynAdmin with opened "Projects" tab

SynAdmin with opened "Projects" tab


By default, the Projects tab is displayed when SynAdmin is called. By adding the tab parameter to the URL, it is possible to initially open the SynAdmin tab in another tab.

To do this, call the URL in the following form:


(e.g. http:///w-ws-adelpoll:8080/WebOffice106R2/synadmin?tab=license => opens the tab License im SynAdmin)


The individual tabs can be called with the following values:

projects > Projects

application > Application

connections > Database connections

mapservices > Map services

fulltextsearch > Full Text Search

license > License

system > System

tls > Certificates

log > Logging

statistics > Statistics

support > Updates

pwd > Password


Additionally, there are buttons in the bar on top and at the bottom of the administration page.





Shows if WebOffice usermanagement is enabled or not.


Link to the online user manual.


Link to the online WebOffice news page.


It is possible to subscribe the WebOffice news page as RSS feed.


Links to the Landing Page of the application.



A golden rule for successfully managing a server application is NEVER ADMINISTER DURING REGULAR OPERATION TIME, i.e. you should do your administration work after users have finished their work (e.g. from 5 or 6 pm on) or before they have even started (e.g. before 7 or 8 am).


In the subsequent chapters you will find a detailed description of the tabs and functions of the WebOffice 10.9 R4 administration pages.