In the Logging tab you find logging information and can change the log configuration on the fly to DEBUG level, i.e. you do not need to restart the WebOffice 10.9 R4 application for changing the log level to DEBUG level for tracking down a specific problem.



Logging on DEBUG level means that WebOffice 10.9 R4 generates a lot of debug information and writes it down into the WebOffice.log file. The log file is very important for support for tracking down problems.

You can set/change the log level on the fly without stopping the WebOffice 10.9 R4 web application. This makes error tracking and analysis in production systems far easier because production system does not have to be stopped.


You will find detailed information for how to log the Server Object Extension in chapter SOE Logging.


SynAdmin logging tab

SynAdmin logging tab


See the table below for detailed description of the Logging properties tab.





Check the Debug column check box for every logger module you want to set to DEBUG level.

Submit your input clicking the Set log levels button finally.

Set log levels button

Set log levels button


The Current log level column shows the current log level for each logger module.


The Logging category displays the specific logger module.


See chapter Troubleshooting for details about the specific logging categories and their impacts.


You can immediately open the log file and view the latest Log file entries in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 administration pages using the Display Log File button. No navigation to the file system of the WebOffice 10.9 R4 application server is necessary any more to view the log file.

It is recommended to limit the display size to at maximum 100KB.

SynAdmin logging tab