In tab Projects all WebOffice 10.9 R4 projects are listed in the application in the directory Projects. SynAdmin shows you the state of the projects and provides buttons to reload and recall your WebOffice 10.9 R4 projects.


SynAdmin projects

SynAdmin projects



As long as not all projects are initialized, the project list will be refreshed every 10 seconds.


See the following table for detailed description of several columns of the Projects tab.


In each column you can click on the heading according to which the list will be sorted.




Project ID

The project ID column displays the unique identifier for each project. Use this identifier as URL parameter to open a project with a WebOffice 10.9 R4 client directly in the browser.



http://<my server>[:<port>]/WebOffice/synserver?project=<project id>


The context menu of each individual project ID can be used to display the following:

The WebOffice 10.9 R4 project configuration XML file

details about status of the project initialization

the application configuration file


Project ID context menu

Project ID context menu


Details about initialization of the project

Details about initialization of the project



The state column displays the most important information in the Projects tab. Possible values for state are:

Configuration valid
The project configuration is valid, but the project is not initialized yet, i.e. the required ArcGIS Server resources (services etc.) are not yet checked and initialized. Therefore, this state does not guarantee that the WebOffice 10.9 R4 project will run properly. Opening the project may take a while, because the initialization of the ArcGIS Server resources must be performed first.

Configuration invalid
Because the project configuration is invalid, the complete WebOffice 10.9 R4 project is not executable. Use the WebOffice author validation to fix the validation errors.

The project is available and is currently being initialized. The initialization is not completed yet.

Init (pending)
The project is not yet fully initialized but can be already used. However, overview, printout or ePaper tools are not yet available.

The project configuration file is valid, but the needed ArcGIS Server resources could not get initialized. This project is ready to be called up. The resources are immediately available.

The project and its resources have been removed from the web server cache.. Therefore the next project call will take longer.

Project not available
The project configuration is valid, but the needed ArcGIS Server resources could not get initialized.



Every project state should display Initialized, meaning that the project is ready to run.

Loaded at

This column indicates the time when WebOffice 10.9 R4 read the project configuration the last time. This way you know immediately, if unexpected results occur in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 client, which point in time to countercheck, e.g. with the timestamp of the last change of the project configuration file in the file system.

Reload configuration

Click Reload configuration for a specific project configuration if you have updated the project configuration file and want to reload it.



ArcGIS Server resources (e.g. ArcGIS Server services) that might have changed as well will not be reloaded or reinitialized in the process.


If the button Reload configuration is highlighted in color, this indicates WebOffice 10.9 R4 indicates that the configuration file of this project has been changed since the last loading.

Highlighted button "Reload configuration"

Highlighted button "Reload configuration"



In this case, you may have forgotten to reload or publish the WebOffice 10.9 R4 project. Use time information displayed in the Loaded at column for checking load time against the file change date of the project configuration file. It is recommended to press the Reload configuration button finally to ensure, WebOffice 10.9 R4 clients provides the up-to-date project.

If you reload your project configuration then all WebOffice 10.9 R4 project user sessions that make use of this project get invalidated, i.e. users get a message that they need to restart their project.

Reload resources

Click Reload resources to reload the project configuration and reinitialize all referenced server resources (ArcGIS Server services etc.).


Please use this function, if e.g.

The ArcGIS Server services used in this project have been refreshed after a map service update or new sources have been added.

The layout files of the WebOffice plot extension have been changed (or some layout files have been added to/deleted from the layout folder)

Some external server component like GEONIS server, WMS service, ArcGIS Server Internet service have been changed.



If you find some peculiar or strange behavior/content in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 clients for a specific project, you should first Reload resources and Reload configuration afterwards.

If you Reload resources all WebOffice 10.9 R4 project users are getting a notification, that the project has been changed.

SHIFT + button ... gives the possibility to load map services and DB connections individually.

Reload resources

Reload resources

Call Core

Click Core to open the WebOffice core client with the selected project in a new browser tab or browser window.


At the button HTML Viewer the following shortcuts are saved:

ALT + button ... starts the WebOffice core client with the parameter &clientlog=true (client side log monitor)


With valid WebOffice mobile license:

CTRL + button ... starts the WebOffice mobile client

Ctrl+ ALT + button ... starts the WebOffice mobile client with the parameter &clientlog=true (client side log monitor)

STRG + button ... starts the WebOffice mobile client with the parameter &consolelog=true

CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + button ... starts the WebOffice mobile client with the parameters &consolelog=true and &clientlog=true

Call Flex

Click FLEX for opening the WebOffice flex client with the selected project in a new browser tab or browser window.


When the button FLEX button is not present, the WebOffice flex client is not licensed for this WebOffice 10.9 R4 project is not licensed.

QR Code

Click on the QR symbol to generate a QR code (for WebOffice flex und WebOffice mobile) that can be scanned and opened with your smartphone or tablet.


Only those QR codes will be generated for which a license for the client is available.

SynAdmin projects properties