The state column displays the most important information in the Projects tab. Possible values for state are:
•Configuration valid
The project configuration is valid, but the project is not initialized yet, i.e. the required ArcGIS Server resources (services etc.) are not yet checked and initialized. Therefore, this state does not guarantee that the WebOffice 10.9 R4 project will run properly. Opening the project may take a while, because the initialization of the ArcGIS Server resources must be performed first.
•Configuration invalid
Because the project configuration is invalid, the complete WebOffice 10.9 R4 project is not executable. Use the WebOffice author validation to fix the validation errors.
The project is available and is currently being initialized. The initialization is not completed yet.
•Init (pending)
The project is not yet fully initialized but can be already used. However, overview, printout or ePaper tools are not yet available.
The project configuration file is valid, but the needed ArcGIS Server resources could not get initialized. This project is ready to be called up. The resources are immediately available.
The project and its resources have been removed from the web server cache.. Therefore the next project call will take longer.
•Project not available
The project configuration is valid, but the needed ArcGIS Server resources could not get initialized.

Every project state should display Initialized, meaning that the project is ready to run.