Upgrade WebOffice 10.8 SP1 to 10.8 SP2

This chapter describes a step-by-step guide and VertiGIS recommendations for upgrading to the latest version of WebOffice. The new release package is available in the Download Center and also via Update Site.




WebOffice 10.8 SP2 will be released with ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.17 and is therefore the last version that officially supports Internet Explorer 11 as well as Edge (Legacy). Starting with the next WebOffice major release WebOffice will again be based on the last available ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.x and will not support Internet Explorer 11 as well as Edge (Legacy) anymore. If you want to continue using Internet Explorer 11 as well as Edge (Legacy) in the meantime, it is recommended to stay on version WebOffice 10.8 SP2+ and do not upgrade further.

Deploying ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.18 with WebOffice 10.8 SP2 is then recommended so that systems that have issues with ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.17 and no longer need support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 as well as Edge (Legacy) can optionally deploy the newer version. For more details see Change ArcGIS API for JavaScript version.

With WebOffice 10.8 SP2, ArcGIS versions 10.2.x as well as 10.3.x are no longer supported.

When using the VertiGIS Studio Printing Engine with ArcGIS 10.8.1 the installation of Patch ArcGIS Server 10.8.1 Print Service Patch and ArcGIS Server 10.8.1 Print Service and Text Element Patch is necessary!

Since version WebOffice 10.8, the working directory of WebOffice author standalone has changed. In order to continue using existing profiles, they must be exported before uninstallation and imported again after reinstallation. If a staging mapping is stored for taking projects productive, the corresponding .json files must be transferred from %APPDATA%\Roaming\SynerGIS\WebOfficeAuthorStandalone\UIData\GoLiveStaging to %APPDATA%\Roaming\VertiGIS\WebOfficeAuthorStandalone\UIData\GoLiveStaging.

Since version WebOffice 10.8, the WebOffice author standalone is delivered as a 64-bit application. It should be noted that the ArcMap connector, which is responsible for the connection to MXDs, is still delivered as a 32-bit application, since it is based on the 32-bit ArcObjects.


If WebOffice and VertiGIS GeoOffice is installed, you must make sure that outdated GeoOffice modules are updated or, if no longer needed, uninstalled. Otherwise you may experience problems when using WebOffice.

Since the release of the previous service pack WebOffice 10.8 SP1 the name of the WebOffice Extensions Services changes from SynerGIS WebOffice Extensions to WebOffice Extensions. If scripts are used to automatically stop or start this service, these have to be adapted.

With this service pack no update of WebOffice FTS-Index is necessary.


When upgrading your existing WebOffice application from version 10.8 SP1 to Service Pack 2 (10.8 SP2), upgrades of the individual software components must be performed. VertiGIS recommends performing the upgrade steps in the following order:

1.Backup the following information

Save the WebOffice usermanagement database using User Management Database: Export.

Optional: Export your WebOffice author standalone application profiles from Settings.

If you want to update Apache Tomcat, a backup of the entire Apache Tomcat folder is highly recommended!

Save the existing WebOffice applications from C:\Tomcat\webapps\<WebOffice application> and copy them to a secure location.

2.Deinstallation of WebOffice author standalone

Uninstall WebOffice author standalone via Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features.


See chapter Upgrade WebOffice author standalone.


Since WebOffice 10.8 the working directory of the WebOffice author standalone has changed. In order to continue using existing profiles, they must be exported before uninstallation and imported again after reinstallation. If a staging mapping is stored for taking projects productive, the corresponding .json files must be transferred from %APPDATA%\Roaming\SynerGIS\WebOfficeAuthorStandalone\UIData\GoLiveStaging to %APPDATA%\Roaming\VertiGIS\WebOfficeAuthorStandalone\UIData\GoLiveStaging.

3.Deinstallation of WebOffice extensions

Uninstall WebOffice extensions via Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features.        


See chapter Upgrade WebOffice extensions.


WebOffice extensions can also be uninstalled via Command Prompt or BAT files. See chapter WebOffice Extensions Silent Deinstallation.

All ArcGIS Desktop Applications have to be closed during this process.

4.Deinstallation of VertiGIS Studio Printing Engine (optional, if installed)

If VertiGIS Studio Printing Engine is installed, uninstall it via Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features.


More details about the upgrade in the Installation with Setup chapter, and general information about VertiGIS Studio Printing Engine in the chapter VertiGIS Printing (optional).

5.Upgrade ArcGIS (optional)

VertiGIS recommends an Upgrade to ArcGIS 10.8.1 or the installation of the most recent patches for ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS Enterprise.



Please ensure BEFORE upgrading ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro) as well as ArcGIS Enterprise to uninstall WebOffice extensions and WebOffice author standalone. After that you can continue updating ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Enterprise.


When using the VertiGIS Studio Printing Engine with ArcGIS 10.8.1 the installation of Patch ArcGIS Server 10.8.1 Print Service Patch and ArcGIS Server 10.8.1 Print Service and Text Element Patch is necessary!


See chapter Upgrade ArcGIS.


WebOffice 10.8 SP2 supports the following ArcGISversions:

ArcGIS version

WebOffice 10.8 SP2

ArcGIS 10.8.1


ArcGIS 10.8


ArcGIS 10.7.1


ArcGIS 10.7


ArcGIS 10.6.1


ArcGIS 10.6


ArcGIS 10.5.1


ArcGIS 10.5


ArcGIS 10.4.1


ArcGIS 10.4


Supported ArcGIS Versions for WebOffice 10.8 SP2



With WebOffice 10.8 SP2, ArcGIS versions 10.2.x as well as 10.3.x are no longer supported.


Please also refer to the ArcGIS product life cycle of Esri for more information.


If ArcGIS is also updated from version lower than 10.6 to version 10.6 or higher during the WebOffice upgrade, then existing user-defined Esri print templates must be changed from ArcMap-based to ArcGIS Pro-based print templates (.pagx), i.e. open the MXD in ArcGIS Pro, and right-click Save as layout file.



For detailed instructions, see chapter Migration of Layout Templates to ArcGIS Pro.

For details on using Esri Print in WebOffice, see chapter Esri Print.

6.Installation of WebOffice author standalone

Follow the steps in WebOffice Author Standalone Setup.


Alternatively a Quiet Installation of WebOffice author standalone. See chapter Quiet Installation.



Since version WebOffice 10.8, the working directory of WebOffice author standalone has changed. In order to continue using existing profiles, they must be exported before uninstallation and imported again after reinstallation. If a staging mapping is saved for taking projects productive, the corresponding .json files must be transferred from %APPDATA%\Roaming\SynerGIS\WebOfficeAuthorStandalone\UIData\GoLiveStagging to %APPDATA%\Roaming\VertiGIS\WebOfficeAuthorStandalone\UIData\GoLiveStagging.

Since version WebOffice 10.8, the WebOffice author standalone is delivered as a 64-bit application. It should be noted that the ArcMap connector, which is responsible for the connection to MXDs, is still delivered as a 32-bit application, since it is based on the 32-bit ArcObjects. When using an Oracle database, a 64bit Oracle client database driver is required.

7.Installation of WebOffice extensions

Follow the steps in chapter Upgrade WebOffice extensions.


Alternatively a Quiet Installation of the WebOffice extensions is also available. See chapter WebOffice Extensions Silent Installation.

At least Windows .NET Framework 4.8 is required for installation.

8.Installation of VertiGIS Studio Printing Engine (optional)

Follow the steps in VertiGIS Printing (optional).


WebOffice additionally offers a Geoprocessing (Python) based printing with the name VertiGIS Studio Printing Engine in addition to the already known WebOffice extensions.

When using the VertiGIS Studio Printing Engine with ArcGIS 10.8.1 the installation of Patch ArcGIS Server 10.8.1 Print Service Patch and ArcGIS Server 10.8.1 Print Service and Text Element Patch is necessary!

9. Installation of WebOffice usermanagement Admin Web

Follow the steps in the chapter Upgrade UserManagement Admin Web.



Afterwards, an update of the User Management database is necessary in order to upgrade the data model to the current version. To do this, open UserManagement Admin Web and log in with your user; you will then be prompted to update the data model if it is no longer up-to-date.

10. Update the Servlet Engine (optional)

VertiGIS recommends an update of Java und Apache Tomcat to the most recent (and approved by VertiGIS) versions.

WebOffice 10.8 SP2 is certified for Java OpenJDK 11.0.10, Apache Tomcat 9.0.43 and Apache Tomcat Connector 1.2.48.



After an update of Apache Tomcat and when using Apache Tomcat Connector, check if a read access for the local user IIS_IUSRS is set to folder \Tomcat\conf.

If you have imported one or more security certificates in the Java Truststore, you must import the security certificates into the Java Trust Store of the new Java directory after updating Java OpenJDK 11. This can be done using the Import SSL Certificates in SynAdmin function.


<Text>VertiGIS recommends the use of Java OpenJDK 11. For further information on the version used and installation see chapter Java.

VertiGIS strongly recommends an update to the latest, stable Apache Tomcat version. For further information see Apache Tomcat.

11. Update of the Server Object Extension and the WebOffice system directory

Update the ArcGIS Server Object Extension for WebOffice as described:


1.In ArcGIS Server Manager under Site/Extensions choose VertiGIS Server Object Extension (SOE) to edit and select the new SOE file (syn_soe_ao_gateway.soe file) from path WebOffice10.8-DVD\Software\ArcGIS for Server Object Extension to upload.



Don't use uninstall and install the extension, because else you have to set the properties for VertiGIS Server Object Extension again!

Update Server Object Extension (SOE) in ArcGIS Server Manager

Update Server Object Extension (SOE) in ArcGIS Server Manager



After replacing the SOE file, SynOutputService and any other services with activated Server Object Extension are stopped. These services must remain stopped, otherwise the next step can not be performed.

2.Replace the WebOffice files in C:\arcgisserver\directories\WebOfficeSystem with the files from WebOffice10.8-DVD\Software\WebOffice directories\WebOfficeSystem.

Replace WebOffice files in directory WebOfficeSystem

Replace WebOffice files in directory WebOfficeSystem


3.Start the map service SynOutputService (or all services, where Server Object Extension is activated). If you have activated the SOE file on other services as well, you will need to restart those services as well.

Restart SynOutputService in the ArcGIS Server Manager

Restart SynOutputService in the ArcGIS Server Manager

12. Update WebOffice application

Below you will find the necessary installation steps for manually installing your WebOffice application:


1.Stop Apache Tomcat service (via Start/Programs/Administrative Tools/Services).


For further information see chapter Apache Tomcat Maintainance.

2.Delete the working directory of Apache Tomcat at e.g. C:\Tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\<WebOffice web-application>

3.Copy the patch file (WO108_patch_yyyymmdd.exe) to the directory of your WebOffice application directory (e.g. C:\Tomcat\webapps\<WebOffice application>)

4.Execute the current patch as administrator (replace all existing files if necessary)

5.Delete the patch file (WO108_patch_yyyymmdd.exe)

6.Start Apache Tomcat (via Start/Programs/Administrative Tools/Services).

7.Start WebOffice author standalone and open the Application Configuration. It's possible that the application configuration may have to be saved once again.

8.Finally all project configurations should be validated in WebOffice author standalone using the functionality Check all Projects. If one or more projects are invalid the project configuration can be repaired using the Repair projects button.

"Verify all projects" function in WebOffice author standalone

"Verify all projects" function in WebOffice author standalone



It is recommended to clear the browser cache with Delete Browser Cache.

When using the JavaScript clients WebOffice core Client andWebOffice flex Client using a reverse proxy can cause problems in the map display if a forward slash / is set at the end of the ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse lines in the code. In this case please remove the slash at the end of the lines. For more details see chapter Apache Reverse Proxy.


If you have problems during or after the WebOffice update, please contact the WebOffice Support Team.

13. Checks after the upgrade

Check all WebOffice applications and projects with the checklist in this chapter: Checks after an Update.