WebOffice core client

The WebOffice core client was designed as the contemporary WebOffice html client. The WebOffice core client is not a replacement for the WebOffice html client but it is an additional client of your WebOffice 10.9 R4 application. By using both clients at the same time, end user can get familiar with the WebOffice core client step by step. So the WebOffice core client doesn't need to be licensed separately.


Since WebOffice 10.7, the entire WebOffice core user interface has been using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.x, enabling new functions such as the use of vector tile services or geodetic measurement.

When using a reverse proxy, problems can appear in the map image display if a forward slash / is set in the code at the end of the ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse lines. In this case please remove the slash at the end of the lines. For more details see chapter Apache Reverse Proxy.


The WebOffice core client transmits with its ribbon concept the Look & Feel of familiar desktop products like MS Office or ArcGIS Pro. The contextual face of the WebOffice core client makes tools only available if the were really used. The user gets an easier access to the wide range of functionality and tools in WebOffice 10.9 R4, but the tools themselves will work as usual. The new customized ribbons and the configuration of quick-tools leads the user faster to the desired result - although the map will always be in the focus. This work-flow orientated concept accomplishes a new user experience.


See also the following video on this topic:

The WebOffice Core Client: A ribbon-based WebGIS User Interface 


The following chapters give you on the one hand an overview about the WebOffice core client and on the other hand an exact description about how tools work in the WebOffice core client.


The following features are not yet in migrated to the WebOffice core client:

Editing with Snapgrid

Map Choice as Tab Control

Window Type for Display Mode iFrame

Customer Banner



Please have a look to chapter How to customize ... WebOffice core Client for individual customizations of the WebOffice core client.

Also have a look to chapter Migrate a Project from HTML to CORE Client.