Install With Setup
Please note following hints before installing the VertiGIS Studio Printing Engine to ensure a successful installation.
•To use the VertiGIS Studio Printing Engine, at least ArcGIS 10.8.1 is required. VertiGIS recommends the Esri product versions ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap) 10.8.2 and ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 (as these are Long term releases from Esri Inc. Furthermore, it is recommended to use ArcGIS Pro 2.9.x. •Due to known technical limitations an error-free installation as well as use of VertiGIS Studio Printing Engine on ArcGIS 10.8.1 and older versions can no longer be guaranteed. •For the use of the Dynamic Legend of dynamic map services ArcGIS Server / Enterprise 10.9.1 is required. •Directly on the GIS server (where VertiGIS Studio Printing Engine is published) no ArcGIS Pro installation is mandatory. The administration of layouts and publishing of Web Tools can be done from an administration computer. •In a federated server scenario the recommendation for the GIS server, if there is no ArcGIS Pro is installed: •If problems occur during the installation setup, the installation can also be carried out in manual steps. See chapter Manual Setup (alternative). •If you have already installed a previous version of VertiGIS Studio Printing Engine (or even before the manual installation), please remove the existing service via the ArcGIS Server Manager and (if available) also the files in the file system: .\arcgisserver\directories\arcgissystem\arcgisinput\VertiGIS_Utilities. |
ATTENTION! •In case of problems with the installation, it is recommended to run the setup file as an Administrator via Windows command prompt (CMD.exe). This local admin user must have write permissions to the .\arcgisserver\directories\VertiGIS_PrintLayouts directory. •If the Post-Installer and the associated publishing process is performed under a user (e.g. administrator) who has never opened the application on the machine with a correct license, the Post-Installer will display an error message ( ArcGIS Pro with a correct license on the machine, the Post-Installer will start with an error message (The Product License has not been initialized). In this case, the Windows user who runs the Post-Installer must have at least once ArcGIS Pro at least once, so that the ArcGIS Pro license is correctly assigned. •When using the VertiGIS Studio Printing Engine with ArcGIS 10.8.1 the installation of Patch ArcGIS Server 10.8.1 Print Service Patch and ArcGIS Server 10.8.1 Print Service and Text Element Patch is mandatory! •The installation of VertiGIS Studio Printing Engine fails if ArcGIS Pro version 3.x is installed on the machine where the Printing Installer is run. Workaround: The installer must be run on a different machine, e.g. on the host itself, on which the Printing Tools are to be installed. |
At the beginning it is recommended to store the required ArcGIS Server connection file locally; e.g. in the path D:\ADMIN\AGS_Connections. This connection file is needed to connect to an ArcGIS Server site.
The ArcGIS Server connection file can be created in ArcCatalog when adding an existing ArcGIS Server site connection and is stored by default in the directory %appdata%\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop<version>\ArcCatalog. |
To use VertiGIS Studio Printing Engine, the following installation steps are necessary:
Launch the installation file VertiGIS-Printing-1.x.x.msi from WebOffice10.9R4-DVD/Software/VertiGIS Utilities/VertiGIS Printing Tools.
Starting the Setup Wizard for VertiGIS Printing
In the next step the files required for the installation are stored in the target directory.
Installation directory of VertiGIS Printing
Afterwards the installation starts the VertiGIS Studio Printing Engine Post Installer. This will publish and set up the web tool (GP Service) on the server standalone or Portal for ArcGIS.
Starting the Post-Installation Program for VertiGIS Printing
Specifying the Layout folder for VertiGIS Printing
In the next step, a corresponding ArcGIS Enterprise connection must be selected.
A) Publish against Portal for ArcGIS
Enter the Portal for ArcGIS URL and ArcGIS Server URL.
ATTENTION! The Portal for ArcGISconnection must be at least of the user type</%PORTAL%> Publisher. |
Selection of a ArcGIS Enterprise connection to Portal for ArcGIS
B) Publishing against an ArcGIS Server Standalone
Specify the path to the ArcGIS Server connection file.
The ArcGIS Server connection file can be created in ArcCatalog when adding an existing ArcGIS Server site connection and is stored by default in the directory %appdata%\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop<version>\ArcCatalog. The ArcGIS Server connection must be at least of the type Publisher. |
Selecting a ArcGIS Enterprise connection to a ArcGIS Server standalone server
In the next step, service folder and service name are assigned.
Specifying the service path and service name
In the last step, check the configurations again.
Summary of the configurations for the installation
During the final phase of publishing further information can be viewed using the logging function.
The installation and configuration of VertiGIS Studio Printing Engine is successfully completed.
After successful publishing, the structure of the GP service VertiGIS_Printing_Tools together with the GP tasks on Portal for ArcGIS or ArcGIS Server standalone should look as follows:
View from GP Service via ArcGIS REST Services Directory
The task VertiGIS Pro Print Task is purely intended for printing from ArcGIS Pro (desktop) and is therefore not relevant for WebOffice 10.9 R4. |
The installation and setup of the GP service is completed.
•Continue in chapter Migration of Existing Layout Templates to ArcGIS Pro if you want to continue using existing print templates. •Continue in chapter Configuration as Tool in WebOffice to be able to use the function in a WebOffice project. |
In case of an upgrade VertiGIS Studio Printing Engine must be uninstalled first via Programs & Features .
Then perform the same installation steps as described at the beginning of this chapter.
If you have already installed a previous version of VertiGIS Studio Printing Engine (or even before the manual installation), please remove the existing service via the ArcGIS Server Manager. Also in Portal for ArcGIS the existing service has to be deleted manually. |
Uninstalling VertiGIS Printing