OGC Map Service (WMTS)
WebOffice 10.9 R4 supports also OGC Map Service WMTS (Web Map Tile Service) among WMS (Web Map Service) for fetching and displaying tiled maps. As subelements of an OGC map service (WMTS) it is possible to configure
•ArcGIS Server Service Output Service
•WebOffice 10.9 R4 provides full support for WMS services and WMTS services, provided by ArcGIS Server. The projection of the main map service and the WMTS service can be different. In this case, the WMTS service will be projected on-the-fly into a dynamic map image. •Due to a very small amount of actually published Web Map Tile Services VertiGIS is improving the stability of the WMTS implementation step by step. If you have troubles using a WMTS with WebOffice 10.9 R4, please contact your corresponding WebOffice support team and provide access information. •The ArcGIS Server Output Service will be used for output and extended server functionality (print, ePaper, extract server but also raster reprojection and editing). It is mandatory to configure a central ArcGIS Server Output Service in the map elements. This output service can be overwritten for tools/functions through a specific configuration at the according position (i.e., a specific output service in the Printing (Legacy) tool). The output service must always provide an Activated Server Object Extension. •Configure a specific output service for an OGC map service (WMTS) whenever you need to reproject the OGC map service (WMTS). This way, other functionality that needs the central output service will remain unaffected. •If no map image of the OGC map service is displayed, the system automatically tries to retrieve the tiles from another subdomain after a few seconds, if one exists. |
Whenever a new OGC map service (WMTS) is added to the WebOffice 10.9 R4 project configuration
•configure the corresponding Reference to Map Service of Map Collection in the table of content (mandatory)
•configure the corresponding reference to map service of map collection in the Map View (optionally)
OGC Map Service (WMTS) configuration
Property |
Description |
Server |
Specifies host name or IP address of the map server.
Service name (GUI) |
Service name of map service displayed in GUI. |
Metadata URL |
Allows you to store a reference to a metadata document (htm, html, pdf, jpg, etc.) in the form of an URL. The metadata document must be accessible via HTTP.
Metadata short description |
Provide a short description for the metadata
Copyright |
Service specific copyright text to be added to the configured project copyright if the map service contributes to the map.
Specifies if it's possible to display the legend of the service, if the service provides a legend information.
Most detailed scale level |
The most detailed scale level specifies to which scale level maps are available (this most detailed scale level can depend on the displayed area).
Use like dynamic service? |
Specifies, whether the service is used like a dynamic map service (Yes) or not (No).
Check content? |
Specifies if images are to be checked for content availability in the corresponding scale. In the case of no content, higher lod levels are displayed at a lower resolution. |
Tile size differs from the tiling scheme (for example using 512 pixels instead of 256 defined in the capabilities document). To display them correctly, set this option to Yes.
Layer encoding? |
Defines if special Characters (e.g üöäÜÖÄß etc.) in the OGC Layer Names are sent as URL encoded Characters. |
Tile URL Transformation? |
Defines if the URLs for requesting Tiles in the Service Capabilities Response should be transformed to the local Service Endpoint for the WebOffice core resp. the WebOffice flex Client. A Transformation is e.g. not desired, if a Tile Access does not require Authentification, but the Access of the Service Capabilities. The Value of this Field has no effect if the Service is not secured. |
Tile Matrix Set |
If the service defines several Tile Matrix Sets for a certain layer, a specific Tile Matrix ID can be defined here. If no value is defined the default Tile Matrix Set will be used |
Server normalized |
Shows the normalized WMTS URL (will be filled automatically). |
Service user |
User name of user accessing OGC map service.
Password |
Password of user accessing OGC map service. |
User Agent Header |
Defines the value of the HTTP User Agent Header for server-side requests. |
Referer Header |
Defines the value of the HTTP User Agent Header for server-side requests. |
OGC Map Service (WMTS) properties
•An easy way to configure an OGC map service (WMS) is by using the wizard Add Service in WebOffice author standalone. •If your application does not have direct access to the internet, be sure to configure your proxy settings in WebOffice 10.9 R4 application configuration for proper OGC WMTS functionality. See chapter Proxy-Server for HTTP Requests. |
•See chapter Map Service Properties for details about the configuration of map service properties. •See chapter ArcGIS Server Output Service for details about the configuration of ArcGIS Server Output Services. •See chapter Legend for details about a WMTS legend in the WebOffice core client. |