Activate SOE on a Map Service
This chapter describes the necessary workflow if ArcGIS Server and the WebOffice extensions are installed on the same server. If ArcGIS Server 10.9 is used, this scenario is not possible. The necessary configuration steps for this can be found in chapter AGS 10.9 - Activate SOE on a Map Service.
Open ArcGIS Manager by entering https://<server name>[:<port>]/arcgis/manager/ (e.g. http://myserver:6080/arcgis/manager) into your browser and log-in with the primary site administrator name and password that was set during the site creation process.
Go to the Services tab and select the SynOutputService.
ArcGIS Server Manager
First go to Capabilities (1) and select Mapping (always enabled) (2). Check whether the box Allow per request modification of layer order and symbology under Dynamic Workspaces are activated and the five Workspace IDs (4 x type FileGDB, 1 x type Raster) are listed (3).
See chapter Add Dynamic Workspaces to SynOutputService for details on how to add dynamic workspaces. |
Allow per request modification of layer order and symbology
Now check the Server Object Extension (1). Additionally, under Configuration you can control the path of the config file syn_soe_ao_gateway.json that was deployed in the previous chapter Deploy WebOffice Files on ArcGIS Server. Adjust the standard path is C:\arcgisserver\directories\WebOfficeSystem\syn_soe_ao_gateway.json (2) if necessary. In the end (after Save and Restart) you can control if everything worked fine by clicking the REST URL of the Server Object Extension (3).
Activate SynerGIS server object extension
The parameter active handlers must have the value (2) which points out that the activation was successful. Otherwise, if the value (1) is displayed next to binder, something went wrong. In this case make sure that all steps were accomplished completely and in the correct order.
The checkboxes concerning Operations Allowed are currently without any function and can be left unchecked. |
ArcGIS REST services directory
Activate WebOffice plot extension
The WebOffice plot extension will be activated automatically if you did use the standard paths during installation. In case the path to your WebOffice plot templates is different than C:\arcgisserver\directories\WebOfficePlotTemplates, please, navigate to the plot tab (1) and define your custom path to the WebOffice plot templates (2). Finally, click the button Save and Restart and wait until the service has stopped and started again (3).
Configure the path to WebOffice plot templates
Property |
Description |
Layout Path |
Configure the path to the folder of your WebOffice plot templates.
Cleanup Interval (min.) |
Define the time when the files created during the plot request should be deleted from the output directory folder (e.g. arcgisoutput). By default, the value is set to 20 minutes. Please consider that the files are deleted after the next plot request. |
SOE plot properties
Activate WebOffice ePaper extension
The WebOffice ePaper extension will be activated automatically if you did use the standard paths during installation. In case the path to your WebOffice ePaper templates is different than C:\arcgisserver\directories\WebOfficeePaperTemplates, please, navigate to the ePaper tab (1) and define your custom path to the WebOffice ePaper templates (2). Finally, click the button Save and Restart and wait until the service has stopped and started again (3).
In order to have WebOffice ePaper available in WebOffice 10.9 R4, you also need a WebOffice ePaper license as well as a configured WebOffice ePaper template in your WebOffice 10.9 R4 project configuration. |
See chapter ePaper for details. |
Configure the path to WebOffice ePaper templates
Property |
Description |
Layout Path |
Configure the path to the folder of your WebOffice ePaper templates.
JPEG Quality (PDF-Image-Compression) |
Specifies the JPEG quality of the output image (left 0, right 100). |
Cleanup Interval (min.) |
Define the time when the files created during the ePaper request should be deleted from the output directory folder (e.g. arcgisoutput). By default, the value is set to 20 minutes. Please consider that the files are deleted after the next ePaper request. |
SOE ePaper properties
Activate WebOffice extract server extension
In order to activate the WebOffice extract server extension navigate to extract server tab and configure your database parameters. Also adjust the paths if your WebOfficeExport directory is not located in C:\arcgisserver\directories\. Consider that you need to have a virtual directory pointing to your physical export directory. Enter the name of this directory into Export (virtual) and exchange <localhost> with your server name. Finally, click the button Save and Restart and wait until the service has stopped and started again.
In order to have WebOffice extract server available in WebOffice 10.9 R4, you also need a WebOffice extract server license as well as a configured WebOffice export configuration in your WebOffice 10.9 R4 project configuration. |
See chapter WebOffice extract server for details. |
Configure parameters for WebOffice extract server extension
Property |
Description |
Driver |
Define which database should be used. You can choose from: •MSAccess •Oracle •MSSQL •PostrgreSQL •SQLite |
DB-Host/File |
For Oracle, MSSQL and PostgreSQL the Host Name of the database server must be specified. For SQLite files and MSAccess, the path to the user management database will be specified. The path must be accessible from the server. |
Database |
Name of the database.
User |
Specify the user who has sufficient rights to access the database.
Password |
User Password
Configuration |
Defines the path in which the Export Configuration and the Connection Files are filed.
Defines the working directory in which the export results will be filed. Files in this directory are deleted by WebOffice extract server after the expiry of the minimum period. As long as there is no Data Fetch Path defined, the Export File Path must be enabled for access from the internet.
Export (virtual) |
Defines the URL to Export File Path (or to Data Fetch Path). The export result can be downloaded via this URL.
Archive (opt.) |
Defines an Archive Path. The results from the Export File Path will be copied in this path. The files from this directory will not be deleted by WebOffice export.
Defines an alternative path, in which the export results are provided for download. If this path is defined, the results will be moved into this directory after export from Export File Path. The files in this directory are deleted by WebOffice export after the expiry of the minimum period.
Cleanup Interval (min.) |
Defines the minimum period in minutes, for which an export result is available for download. |
Max. Area (SR units) |
The maximum extent which can be exported. The unit is determined within the spatial reference (SR) of the Feature Classes.
Extended Log |
By using this setting, a XML file and a text file, which include information concerning the transferred layers, are created in the arcgisoutput folder during each export process. |
Single Sign On |
Activate the checkbox if you are using WebOffice extract server together with Authentication Type SSO or together with an LDAP authentication using only role information. |
SOE extract server properties