ArcGIS Server Network Analysis Service

Configure an ArcGIS Server Network Analysis Service to provide routing functionality in WebOffice 10.9 R4.



Network analysis uses the ArcGIS Online network analysis services which are secured and use the ArcGIS Online security model. In order to use network analysis services, an ArcGIS Online subscription is required. Service credits are consumed when you use network analysis services.

See ArcGIS Resoruces - Service Credits Overview for an overview about consumed credits.

See ArcGIS Resources - ArcGIS Online Subscription for purchasing an ArcGIS Online subscription.

When using the routing service from ArcGIS Online ( you will find the parameters for the configuration of Analyse: Find Best Route in the ArcGIS Online help.


ArcGIS Server Network Analysis Service configuration 

ArcGIS Server Network Analysis Service configuration




Service name (GUI)

Service name of Map Service displayed in the GUI

Metadata URL

Configure a reference to a metadata document (must be available via HTTP) as URL.


You may configure the unique Metadata document identifier (UUID) of a Catalog Service (CSW 2.0) here. In this case you must configure the SOAP interface of the Catalog Services in Metadata Display.

Metadata short description

Allows a short description of the medadata. Word wrap can be accomplished with a \n.


Service specific copyright text to be added to the configured project copyright if the map service contributes to the map. This information is only displayed on the print/plot.


The service specific copyright will only be displayed if the map element Copyright is configured.


Detailed information about the use of this attributes can be found in chapters Template (File Name) and WebOffice ePaper Template (File Name).

Geographic Transformation Code/String

Geographic transformation code from WGS84 to the map coordinate system. Can be reviewed in

ArcGIS_Desktop_Installation_Folder\Documentation\geographic_transformations.pdf. If a custom transformation is used, the transformation string with parameters can be used. Copy and paste from the .gtf file is recommended.


If a geotransformation is already defined on the data frame of the main map service then the geotansformation configured here will not be applied.

Layer name

Enter Route_World as layer name.


Specifies URL to an ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Server Network Analysis Service that is used for route solving operations:


The ArcGIS Online network analysis service only allows connection via SSL. Therefore, the URL has to use https and the AGOL public certificate has to be added to the trusted certificates.

The service works for supported countries. See a list of all supported countries in Network Analysis Coverage.

Service user

Specify the user that has access rights to use the ArcGIS Online network analysis service configured at parameter Server.


Routing uses the ArcGIS Online network analysis services which are secured and use the ArcGIS Online security model. In order to use network analysis services, an ArcGIS Online subscription is required. Service credits are consumed when you use network analysis services.


Password of user accessing ArcGIS Online network analysis service configured at parameter Server.

Identify/Select on all visible Feature Layers?

When using the option All visible Layers in the Client all Layers visible in the current scale and set to visible are taken into consideration.

A Layer configuration is not required, the ArcMap Layer Properties get used instead (Layer Name, visible Fields, Field order)

Server normalized

Normalized server URL

ArcGIS Server Network Analysis Service configuration