Edit Layers
Configure an Edit Layer to fulfill one precondition for providing editing functionality in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 clients.
Be aware that in order to make editing functionality available in WebOffice 10.9 R4 you need
•a valid WebOffice 10.9 R4 advanced license (including the web editing module)
•at least one layer from an ArcSDE geodatabase that is configured as an edit layer
•a configured and activated Editing tool
•WebOffice 10.9 R4 editing is tightly integrated with WebOffice usermanagement. In UserManagement Admin Web you can, e.g. configure a client ID for a user group in order to automatically set the value of the client ID field in the edit layer for this object when the user creates the object. Find more information in chapters WebOffice User Management and UserManagement Admin Web. •If you edit into a versioned feature class then WebOffice 10.9 R4 automatically performs the edits into the version used for the layer in the served ArcMap document. This way edits can be immediately displayed in the map service. •It is possible to edit on a feature class with a different geographic projection then the main map service (the Edit Layer will get reprojected on-the-fly by ArcGIS). Anyway, there may be some precision problems depending on the projection parameters. Therefore, it is recommended to edit on feature classes only that have the same projection like the main map used for display. •Editing features of a layer that has a joined table or layer in ArcMap is supported. However, please consider that the fields of the joined table cannot be used as edit fields. •Please be aware, that editing a Table View is not possible. |
Edit layers configuration
The edit layer configuration specifies in which way you want to edit on a specific layer of a map service. Therefore, it may contain the subsequent list of child elements:
•Editing Fields specify the attribute fields the user may edit
•List of Lookup Definitions specifies the lookup values visible in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 clients
•List of Available Edit Actions specifies which edit actions will be available for the user
•Snap Layers specify the available snap layers for this edit layer
•Integrated Editing Application enables users to do attribute edits in an application different from WebOffice 10.9 R4 clients
•Copy from Layers specifies all layers available in the Copy from edit action to copy objects from a layer to the edit layer
•Layers (with Templates) specifies to control the layers available as template layers for the edit action Copy from template'
•Object Assignment Layers specify the layers to be used as source layers for object assignment
•Object Assignment layers (topological) specify the layers to be used as source layers for topological object assignment
•Edit Type defined by feature allows to restrict the editable geometry or attributes by a specific feature field
•GPS Attributes makes it possible to save positioning information via editing
•If no Editing fields are configured, then users can change the object geometry only. •In WebOffice 10.9 R4 it is not necessary to configure editing fields if the fields get edited using an Integrated Editing Application. •If ArcGIS Server Workgroup is used then no edit user can be configured. Instead the corresponding operating system user is used automatically. |
Property |
Description |
Layer ID |
Layer ID of the edit layer in the used map service. |
Alias name of edit layer |
Alias name for edit layer (for user interface edit layer drop down list box). |
Short usage hint that will be displayed in the top right corner.
Edit mode: •Attributes + Geometry: Attributes and geometry of the object get edited •Attributes: Only attribute data of the object gets edited. The user is not able to change the geometry of the object at all •Geometry: Only geometry of the object gets edited
•Attributes + limited Geometry (Split, Multipart explode, Multipart merge): Attribute data of the objects can be edited and a limited support for changing the geometry is allowed (geometry edit actions: split, multipart explode, multipart merge) •Defined by Feature
Specifies the default edit layer.
Specifies if the Symbology defined in the Edit-Template should be shown as Preview for the selected layer in the the Edit Form.
Specifies if the user can edit a created feature directly by a button click (Yes) or not (No, Default). |
Map View for edit layer |
Specifies a specific map view/representation model to be displayed when choosing the edit layer. If no map view is configured then the current map does not get changed at all and the map does not get updated when selecting the edit layer.
External ID |
External ID used in parametrized calls to WebOffice 10.9 R4 for identifying the edit layer.
Pixel tolerance for vertex selection |
Pixel tolerance for vertex selection controls how sensitive selection of vertex points using the mouse pointer is. If the mouse pointer is within this distance of an object vertex point, then the user is able to select the vertex point. |
Dimensioning |
Support for doing simple dimensioning. Only effects the creation of polylines. If used (Yes) only two-point dimensioning per working step is supported. This also impacts several construction tools. Optionally chain dimensions can be created. |
Use UM editing config? |
If Yes is configured, the Editing Configuration for User Management is being used for this edit layer, provided that is has been configured in the application configuration under Common > UserManagement. If No is configured, the meta data (such as create time stamp, create user, change time stamp, change user) of an edit action are not being saved. Also, the functionality of a logical delete is disabled, that means that objects of this layer will be deleted physically.
Specifies whether editing of object attributes for an object selection (multiple objects) is possible for the user. Editing multiple object attributes at once (one interaction) may increase user efficiency considerably.
Split to segments |
Specifies whether polylines should be automatically split into segments (Yes) or not (No). |
Simple editing having less controls in the edit tool form in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 client. The following functions are no longer available or restricted: - no Vertex Geometry button - no Undo button ('Reset editing remains) |
When true is configured the check consistency flag will be evaluated only on edit action edit / update When false is configured the check consistency will also be evaluated on edit action create
Defines the result of the edit action Explode Multipart to the edit layer.
All_Parts_to_Features All parts of multipart-feature become separate Features (even holes)
Keep_only_Outlines Holes as well as islands within holes get removed, only the outermost parts become separate features
Keep_Holes_as_Holes Features containing holes stay multipart-features, islands within such holes however become separate features
Results of the Explode Multipart Modes
Vertex geometry for more than one point? |
The user can have more than one Point in his upload vertex file. These points, when uploaded, will be created for the same set of attributes. This functionality is only used for point layers. |
If activated (true) the merging of objects that are not adjacent is not possible. If deactivated (No) (default value) the contour of the union of the selected objects will be used as resulting geometry in such cases.
If activated (true) the UserManagement Filters will be applied on the value lists in the edit form. The filters are not being applied on the value lists which were defined on a field in the WebOffice author standalone. |
Determines whether the end user can move the position of objects during the editing action Copy from. |
If true the editing of this layer is only from WebOffice map widget possible. |
Edit layer properties
•See chapter Editing for details about the tool configuration in WebOffice author standalone. •See chapter Editing for details about editing in the WebOffice core client. •See chapter Editing for details about editing in the WebOffice flex client. •See chapter Edit Feature for details about editing in the WebOffice mobile client. |