Object Assignment layers (topological)

Object Assignment Layers (topological) specifies the layers to be used as source layers for topological object assignment.


Configuration - Object Assignment layer (topological)

Configuration - Object Assignment layer (topological)




Topological relation

Defines the required topological relation. Selection:

Single containing feature
(Whole feature has to be included)

Single intersecting feature
(Intersection possible)

Dominant intersecting feature
(In case of intersection, majority of feature has to be included)

No intersection feature
(no intersection)

Nearest feature

Assignment required

Defines whether object assignment is required for editing


Explicit ID of the layer, which will be used for topological object assignment.

Properties - Object Assignment layer (topological)



The fields of the reference-layer have to be configured also as search- and resultfields on the search-layer.

It is also possible to configure more than one reference layer. In that case all assigned attribute values will be assumed on the target/edit-layer.

It is also possible to configure a target field in several reference layers. In this case, the value from the topmost reference layer that results in a topological match is written to the target field. If no feature can be assigned to the topmost reference layer, the next reference layer containing the target field is checked, and so on, until a topological assignment is made. If no assignment is made in any reference layer, the target field remains empty.

It is possible to edit one ore more than one feature with topological object assignment. If more than one feature is being edited it may happen that the attribute values placed by the topology differ throughout the features.


On the reference layer for topological assignment, fields can be coupled together. This specifies the fields to be paired upon object assignment. Thus it is possible to assume the field-values (or angles) from the reference-layer automatically (during an editing operation). Basically it is possible to differ between a simple field assignment field > field (field values will be assumed) and a field assignment angle > field. By using the second possibility a specified field will be updated with the angle of the nearest feature (line segment).

field > field:


Configuration - Field assignment (topological), field -> field

Configuration - Field assignment (topological), field -> field




Assignment layer field

Fieldname on assignment layer.

Target Field

Target inputfield. An existing inputfield configuration is required.

Properties - Field assignment (topological), field > field

angle > field:


Configuration - Field assignment (topological), angle-> field

Configuration - Field assignment (topological), angle-> field




Target Field:

Target inputfield. An existing inputfield configuration is required.

Direction measuring system

Polar angles are measured counterclockwise from the positive x-axis. In the north azimuth system, the azimuth of a line is the horizontal angle measured from a meridian to the line, measured in the clockwise direction from north.

Direction measuring unit

Unit of angular measure. Supporting only decimal degree (eg 40.251).

Properties - Field assignment (topological), angle > field



The fields of the reference-layer (for field assignment) have to be configured also as search- and resultfields on the search-layer.

If you are using a field > field assignment, the following combinations of datatypes between the appropriate fields of the edit-layer and the reference-layer (for field assignment) are supported:



oOID, INTEGER and SMALL_INTEGER are compatible with each other.

oSINGLE and DOUBLE are compatible with each other.

oBLOB, GEOMETRY and RASTER are compatible with each other.

oSTRING, XML, GLOBALID and GUID are compatible with each other.

Please consider, that the length of a field of datatype STRING on the edit-layer must be smaller or equal than the appropriate field-length on the reference-layer (for field assignment).

If you use a angle > field assignment you have to configure on the assignment layer the topological relation nearest feature.


The linked fields which are filled automatically, will be shown grayed in the editing-dialog (edit actions edit, delete).





See chapter Editing with topological assignment for details about editing in the © VertiGIS GmbH - Technical Documentation Team / 2024 client.

Topological object assignment can also be used via the Service API (synservice).


The following image shows a field assignment angle > field, where the point feature (cities) gets the angle from the nearest line feature (rivers).

