OGC Map Service (WMS)

For using the OGC Map Service (WMS) in WebOffice 10.9 R4 the service must be OGC compliant. For more information see OGC WMS Implementation Specification.



In case that problems occur when trying to consume an OGC WMS service (WebOffice acts as WMS client), WebOffice 10.9 R4 will only support OGC WMS services which are OGC compliant. OGC compliance can be proven by the WMS service provider by successfully running the OGC TEAM Engine (Test, Evaluation and Measurement Engine) as part of the OGC Compliance and Interoperability Testing Initiative (CITE).

The server should provide BoundingBox information for at least the native CRS of the Layer (that is, the CRS in which the Layer is stored in the server’s database).

When adding a WMS service to a WebOffice 10.9 R4 project be sure that the projection of the WMS service fits the projection of the main map service.

By using a WMS service, that is secured via basic authentication (http), certain criterias have to be fulfilled. In this case user and password are sent in the http header. WebOffice 10.9 R4 sets the following value of the field Authorization in the http header: Basic:  + <username base64 encoded> + : + <password base64 encoded>. User and password are taken from the configuration in WebOffice author standalone and encoded via base64. By opening those secured WMS services either directly in the browser or in ArcCatalog, a popup window for the login should appear.

WebOffice 10.9 R4 allows to identify multiple overlaying objects within a WMS. WebOffice 10.9 R4 supports the query of up to 50 overlaying objects. To use this function the WMS has to include the GetFeatureInfo function properly within the GetCapabiltiesRequest. The requested identification information of the found objects are shown in the search window in the bottom of the application.


Whenever a new OGC map service is added to the WebOffice 10.9 R4 project configuration

configure the corresponding Reference to Map Service of Map Collection in the table of content (mandatory)

configure the corresponding reference to map service of map collection in the Map View (optionally)


OGC WMS map service (WMS) configuration

OGC WMS map service (WMS) configuration




Metadata URL

Configure a reference to a metadata document (must be available via HTTP) as URL.


You may configure the unique Metadata document identifier (UUID) of a Catalog Service (CSW 2.0) here. In this case you must configure the SOAP interface of the Catalog Services in Metadata Display.

Metadata short description

Provide a short description for the metadata (line breaks with \n).


Service specific copyright text to be added to the configured project copyright if the map service contributes to the map.


The service specific copyright will only be displayed if the map element Copyright is configured.



Detailed information about the use of these attributes can be found in chapters Template (File Name) and WebOffice ePaper Template (File Name).

Show legend?

Specifies if it's possible to display the legend of the service, if the service provides a legend information.


The WM(T)S service has to support the GetLegendGraphic operation.

Read scale range?

Defines if take the scale range of the layers defined in response of GetCapabilities of the service. Default is false.

Layer Styles

Defines if the Layer Styles defined by the WMS Service should be used for Map Exports.


Layer Styles defined by WMS Service can not be considered by WebOffice 10.9 R4 anyway. However, if layer styles of a service are for instance not OGC compliant, it can lead to problems with the map export. Therefore, with the aid of this configuration possibility Layer Styles can be deactivated explicitly.

High resolution print (WMS only)

Defines if a larger image is requested when printing with high resolution. Due to limitation of WMS services this can lead to display differences between screen display and print output.

Layer Encoding

Defines if special Characters (e.g üöäUÖÄß etc.) in the OGC Layer Names are sent as URL encoded Characters.


Complete WMS Service URL.


By default the parameters inspire, layer_id, login, map, name, ogc_ticket, pw, service_name are allowed in the URL, any other parameters will be ignored. Although the list of parameters can be expanded in OGC Parameter Whitelist.

Server normalized

The normalized WMS Service URL without any WMS parameters (will be filled automatically).

Service user

User name of user accessing OGC map service.


If a domain user is used for accessing the service, then the windows domain needs to be provided in the format domain\user. If no domain is configured then authentification is done locally.


Password of user accessing OGC map service.

User Agent Header

Defines the value of the HTTP User Agent Header for server-side requests

Referer Header

Defines the value of the HTTP User Agent Header for server-side requests.

OGC WMS map service (WMS) properties



An easy way to configure an OGC map service (WMS) is by using the wizard Add Service.

An OGC map service (WMS) can also be preconfigured for the tool Add WMS Service in the list of WMS Services.

If your application does not have direct access to the internet, be sure to configure your proxy settings in WebOffice 10.9 R4 application configuration for proper OGC WMS functionality.


See chapter Proxy-Server for HTTP Requests.

See chapter Map Service Properties for details about the configuration of map service properties.

See chapter Legend for details about the legend in the WebOffice core client.