In the WebOffice html client you can find the stack menu on the left side by default. It contains the following forms:

Table of Content


Layer Filter



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Stack menu in the WebOffice html client

Stack menu in the WebOffice html client


In the title bar of every form there is a pin symbol with additional options. Use it to place particular forms individually.


Pin symbol with additional options

Pin symbol with additional options



If you Hide a form, the status bar will display an additional tab Windows where you can open all your hidden forms again.


"Hide" form

"Hide" form



Set a form to Floating, to move it individually or minimize and maximize it.


A floating form can be placed individually, minimized and maximued

A floating form can be placed individually, minimized and maximued


If you minimize a floating form, it will be placed in the status bar. From there you can maximize the form again.


Minimized floating form in the status bar

Minimized floating form in the status bar



Forms can be docked in the four segments, Top Left, Bottom Left, Top Right and Bottom Right. If a form already exists in the segment, the new form will be docked on below.


Four segments to dock forms

Four segments to dock forms


Note: See chapter WebOffice Defaults for details about the configuration of activated GUI modules.