In the WebOffice html client you can find Queries in the respective stack menu on the left side with two possible layouts:
•compact search form
•grouped list of queries
Search form in the WebOffice html client
left: compact search form / right: grouped list
In the upper part of the search form you can choose between several predefined queries. WebOffice 10.9 R4 also provides the option to execute one-click-queries (search is executed immediately, without having to press the Send Query button). One-click-queries are marked with >> in the list of predefined queries. With the compact search form, it is also possible to start the Querybuilder by clicking the button next to the list of predefined queries.
In the lower part of the search form, you will find the input fields that were configured for the predefined queries. In the WebOffice html client there exist the following search input fields that can be connected with the logical operators AND/OR. If an search field was defined as mandatory, the field will be marked with a *:
Text Input Field
Simply enter the term you want to search for.
Mandatory text input field
Value List
Select the term to be search for from the value list. the list is limited to 1000 values.
Value list
Big Value List
Use the big value list instead, if there are more than 1000 values.
Big value list
Value List with Auto Completion
The value list with auto completion is similar to a normal text field. As soon as you start entering the search term, matching suggestions will be listed below.
Value list with auto completion
Date Field
The date field provides a calendar function to select the correct date for the query.
Calendar function for date fields
After the input has been entered, execute the query by pressing the button Send Query. WebOffice 10.9 R4 offers 6 different search modes:
Send Query button with 6 different search modes
•New Result with map update (zoom)
Takes the objects that were found with the query into an empty search result, zooms to them and selects them in the map.
•New Result with map update (Pan)
Takes the objects that were found with the query into an empty search result, pans to them and selects them in the map.
•New Result
Takes the objects that were found with the query into an empty search result without updating the map.
•Add to Result
Adds the objects that were found with the query to an existing search result.
•Remove from Result
Removes the objects that were found with the query from an existing search result.
•Filter Data
Takes the objects that were found with the query into a search result and automatically filters all other objects of this layer. Therefore, only found objects of the search result will be visible in the map. The filter created by the query will be listed in Layer Filter and can be deactivated any time.
Additionally, the WebOffice html client provides the option to execute a query only for the visible map extent. Activate this option if you want to restrict your query for the current extent. Objects which are outside of the extent will be ignored for this query.
Query current extent
By clicking the button Reset Query Fields the user can delete all values in the Query Fields with a single click.
Button Reset Query Fields
Note: See chapters Query and Create Layer Query for details about the configuration of a query in WebOffice author.
Note: See chapter Common Settings for details about the configuration of a compact search form in WebOffice author.
Note: See chapter Querybuilder for details about the use of the querybuilder in the WebOffice html client.