Use Routing to find the fastest route between two or more defined points. In the WebOffice html client the function can be categorized into three segments:
Routing in the WebOffice html client
In case you configured a routing profile with different routing options, the user can select from a drop-down list. The routing options can be found in the bottom of the form. It is possible to add as many stops as desired in the routing form by one of the following ways:
Routing form
•Enter input in the text field
Enter an address into the text field and confirm with ENTER. If the address is known the text field will turn green, otherwise it will be red. Additionally you can enter coordinates into the text field. Please consider the chapter Geolocator Query for details about the format of the coordinates.
Note: A valid Geolocator Service is required for this function.
Note: You will find more details about the coordinates and the supported formats within a text field in the chapter Geolocator Query.
top: known address (green) / bottom: unkown address (red)
Coordinates input
•Enter input via map
Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift and click into the map in order to define input directly from the map. The input will be displayed as Location <stop number>.
Input via map
•Enter input via custom tool
Configure a Custom Tool to Add Routing Stops to add stops by just clicking into the map.
Add stop via custom tool
Use the button Add Stop to add as many stops as you want
Known stops will be shown in the map with a consecutive number (1). Use the Remove Stop button to delete any stop of the list (2). Use the arrow buttons to modify the order of stops subsequently (3).
(1) - known stops in the map
(2) - button to delete stop
(3) - button to change order of stops
Note: WebOffice 10.9 R4 supports consecutive numbering in the map of up to 10 stops. Stops from the 11th one ore more do not have any numbering in the map.
•Routing Options
Depending on the configuration you can choose from additional routing options that should be taken into account when calculating a route. You may select additional routing options like:
Routing restrictions may display either text input fields or a value list. Analysis options for stops may be activated/deactivated.
Routing options
Use the button Calculate Route to find the best route between your targets. WebOffice 10.9 R4 will provide the result of the routing both as text (route description) and in the map.
Use the button Delete Route to remove a calculated route at any time.
Zoom to the calculated route with the button
The Route Description displays the total distance of your route and the expected time of travel. Additionally, you will find a detailed description (text and symbol) for every maneuver. Whenever you move the cursor over a maneuver description, the respective route segment will be highlighted in the map. If you click on the maneuver, the map will zoom to the respective route segment.
Print the entire route description by using the Print button.
Create a PDF document of the rout description by using the PDF button.
Route Description
Note: WebOffice 10.9 R4 supports the output of the route via Print and Export Map Image.
Note: The button to create PDF documents can be disabled in Directions.
WebOffice 10.9 R4 shows the calculated route with all stops (numbered) as red line in the map.
Route in map in the WebOffice html client
WebOffice 10.9 R4 allow to print the routing result in a PDF file. When clicking the PDF button, a PDF preview with the routing descriptions and the different stops will be created. A high resolution map view with the route will be included. Additionally directly after the header of the document and in front of the route description a high resolution image of the selected route will be provided. The preview can either be printed or saved as a PDF document.
Note: Formatting of the coordinates in the PDF can be done via the language attribute ROUTING.PDF.STOP_COORDINATES. Find more details about formatting WebOffice 10.9 R4 custom texts in chapter WebOffice Messages.
PDF Erstellung von Routenbeschreibungen
Note: See chapter Network Analysis for details about the configuration of the routing functionality in WebOffice author.
Note: See chapter Analyse: Find Best Route for details about the configuration of routing options in WebOffice author.