Whenever a query was successfully executed in the WebOffice flex client, it will lead to a result that will vary

whether multiple objects were found with an attributive query or

whether multiple objects were found with a spatial query or

a single object was found


Note: When displaying a result the following map updates will be executed:

Point: zoom to the reference scale of a layer

line/area: Linie/Fläche: Zoom auf

1.zoom to the reference scale of a layerden Referenzmaßstab des Themas

2.if this would lead to an extent, where the feature is not entirely visible, it will instead zoom to a scale where the entire feature can be displayed (+ about 25% buffer)

3.or when distince scale are used into the next zoom scale that is most close to 2.

Note: The factor that is used to increase the extent can be adapted in properties_weboffice_user.xml by <record jsxid="result.zoom.expand jsxtext="1.25"/>.


Multiple Objects with Attributive Query

When multiple objects are found using an attributive query, the search result will be displayed in the top left corner in the respective widget. With the full-text search you may find multiple objects from one or many layers, with advanced search a query may result in multiple objects of one specific layer.


Objects in multiple layers found by full-text search in the WebOffice flex client

Objects in multiple layers found by full-text search in the WebOffice flex client


Multiple objects in one layer found by full-text search in the WebOffice flex client

Multiple objects in one layer found by full-text search in the WebOffice flex client


Multiple objects in one layer found by advanced search in the WebOffice flex client

Multiple objects in one layer found by advanced search in the WebOffice flex client


Multiple Objects with Spatial Query

When multiple objects are found using an spatial query, the search result will be displayed on the click point in a popup. With identify you may find multiple objects from one or many layers, with MapTip only multiple objects of one specific layer.

Note: Currently MapTip in WebOffice flex only support multiple results of points or lines, but not polygons.


Objects in multiple layers found by identify in the WebOffice flex client

Objects in multiple layers found by identify in the WebOffice flex client


Use the paging functionality flexjs_results17 to switch between all the found objects (header) or the attached joins and relates (body). Press the arrow on the upper left corner to go back to the result overview.


Multiple objects in one layer found by identify in the WebOffice flex client

Multiple objects in one layer found by identify in the WebOffice flex client


Multiple objects in one layer found by MapTip in WebOffice flex with attached Relates between wich you can switch

Multiple objects in one layer found by MapTip in WebOffice flex with attached Relates between wich you can switch


Single Object

Whenever you reach a single result, no matter whether from an attributive or a spatial query, your result will be displayed as a popup. The popup is divided into three sections





The header may contain the object title or the search result name, in the body you find all configured search result fields with various format types (email, phone, hyperlink) or only the object title and the footer provides additional functionality such as neighbor search, ePaper reports or hyperlinks as buttons.

Note: See chapter Search Result View for flex specific configuration on the search result view.

Note: See chapter Result Field List for further information regarding the configuration of search result fields.


Single result with ePaper configuration in the WebOffice flex client

Single result with ePaper configuration in the WebOffice flex client


Single result with object name as body

Single result with object name as body


Use the gallery function to provide hyperlinks that resemble pictures.


Gallery function in the WebOffice flex client

Gallery function in the WebOffice flex client


By clicking the header you can also expand or minimize a popup.


Expanded single result in the WebOffice flex client

Expanded single result in the WebOffice flex client


Minimized single result in the WebOffice flex client

Minimized single result in the WebOffice flex client



In the footer, depending on your search result configuration, you can find additional functionality:

Neighbor Search neighbour

ePaper Reports epaper




ePaper reports in the WebOffice flex client

ePaper reports in the WebOffice flex client


Neighbor search in the WebOffice flex client

Neighbor search in the WebOffice flex client


Hyperlink as button in the WebOffice flex client

Hyperlink as button in the WebOffice flex client


Editing in the WebOffice flex client

Editing in the WebOffice flex client


Note: See chapter Neighbor Search for further information.

Note: See chapter ePaper for further information.

Note: See chapter Integration of External Application for further information.

Note: See chapter Editing for further information.


Switch Popup Position

If enabled in the configuration, the user can switch the position of the popup by using the buttons flexjs_Results14 and flexjs_Results15.

Note: See chapter Popup position for further information.


A WebOffice flex popup will be displayed as long as it is not closed by a click on close. But if you are using a tool e.g. print or measure while a popup is visible, the popup will be hidden for the time that the tool is active. Whenever you activate your search again, the popup will be visible again. When closing a popup, also the selection will be reset.