The Result Field List specifies all fields to be displayed in the search result view.



If only a search result view is configured without a result field list then all attribute fields of the respective layer will be displayed in the WebOffice 10.9 R3 clients.


Result field list configuration

Result field list configuration




Sort order

Specifies sort order:



Object name concatenator

Concatenate string for generating the object name.

If, e.g. fields Street Name (value Herrengasse) and Street Number (value 10) are concatenated, the resulting object name will be Herrengasse, 10.


This parameter will also provide the concatenator for full-text search suggestions and full-text search multilayer results if the parameter Separator for suggestions? is set to Yes in the attribute Full-Text Search of the application configuration. In such a case the object name concatenator of the first result field list of the first search result on the respective layer of the first relevant project will be relevant.

Every time the configured concatenator is changed, the existing subindex is out of date and has to be recreated.

Show all fields?

If set to Yes, then all fields of the layer or table get displayed, no matter whether they are explicitly configured as result field or not.

Result field list properties



The context menu of the Result Field List includes the possibility to automatically import all result fields to the current project configuration (Import fields from service). The result fields will be imported based on the corresponding service.


Automatic import of search fiels of the service

Automatic import of search fiels of the service


Result Field

For each Result Field a set of properties can be configured.



If a field has an attributive index in the database, the field is marked with *.


It is possible to configure a Lookup element for each result field.


Result field configuration

Result field configuration




Alias name in result

Alias name to be displayed.


It is recommended to use either Geodatabase alias or ArcMap alias definitions instead If possible.


See chapter Field Alias for details about best practices regarding alias names.


Field of layer/table to be displayed in the search result.


Define in the Basic Settings whether you want have alias or technical names displayed in the drop-down list.


If a join is made to the layer in the ArcGIS map document (ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro), the technical field name will change from fieldname to featureclass.fieldname. If a WebOffice configuration has been created on this layer before, it is as designed in this case that in the WebOffice author standalone the search and result field configuration has to be reconfigured.

Show field?

Specify whether to display the attribute field in the search result (Yes) or not (No).

Use field name for Label Feature?

Specifies whether the field name is to be used with the Label Feature tool. Is only evaluated if the search result view is restricted to Free labeling.

Initially active in Label Feature?

Specifies whether the field is initially active in the Label Feature tool. Is only evaluated if the search result view is restricted to Free labeling.


Sorting according to database field type (fieldtype) or alphanumeric (for TEXT fields only, especially useful for house and parcel numbers and other alphanumeric values).

Sort order/object name

Specifies the sort order. Use

1 for the first field

2 for the second field


None means not to use this field for sorting at all.


This function is used as well to create an object name for this layer by concatenating the field value with Sort order 1 to that with Sort order 2 etc. See the first table of this chapter Result field list properties for more information on object names and concatenation delimiters.

This function can be used for showing the title in the MapTip result.

Column width

Column width in search result.


Being able to explicitly specify the column size in the result page is useful for providing better layout control (especially for TEXT fields with big field sizes)

Field type

Provide field type information.

Only used when doing search on relational database tables.


Configure this attribute only if WebOffice 10.9 R3 is not able to automatically retrieve field type information from the database.

number_fixed defines a number without decimals, number_floating will use the number of result precision defined in Common Settings.

Call Protocol

Makes possible a call to a URL by clicking on the result cell. WebOffice 10.9 R3 formats the value, provided it is valid (if email is configured, then the value must be an e-mail address).


You can choose between email and phone. The attribute email lets the value of the result appear in form of an email-link, phone in form of a phone-link. With these links it is possible to activate either a phone call or an email directly from the search result.


Is relevant for the labelling of the object and has no effect on the display in the search result.

Result field properties



If ArcMap has result fields from type Date, WebOffice 10.9 R3 reacts as follows:

- if the date in ArcMap is 30.12.1899, then WebOffice 10.9 R3 only reads the corresponding time

- for all other cases WebOffice 10.9 R3 reads the time stamp (date + time)