
Be aware that the functionality for neighbor search in Geolocation is only supported in the WebOffice flex and WebOffice mobile client.

Be aware that the geolocation is only available if WebOffice 10.9 R4 is called via HTTPS. Positioning is denied for HTTPS connections.


Use the Neighbor Search to find close-by objects (from different layers) to an initial search result easily. The result of a neighbor search is a list of neighboring objects, sorted by the distance to the initial search result. An additional column displays the distance which is also available for CSV-/Excel export. Neighbor Search works like a Buffer but its handling is easier for end users.


Neighbor search configuration

Neighbor search configuration




Maximum distance [geo db units]

Maximum distance [geo db units]. Geo db units refer to the unit of the projection of the main map service. If only objects within or adjacent to the selected object should get returned, use 0 as configuration value.


For walking distances a value of 200 (meters) is recommended because it takes 1-2 minutes for this distance. If driving distances are interesting, e.g. 10000 is a useful value.

Number of hits

Number of hits. WebOffice 10.9 R4 stops searching if the configured number of hits has already been found.

Use Geolocation Neighbor Search?

Controls if this tool should be capable of using Geolocation Neighbor Search in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 Client or not.

Neighbor search properties


A Target Layer has to be defined for a neighbor search.



Only the first configured target layer will be used for the neighbor search.


Ziel-Layer Konfiguration

Ziel-Layer Konfiguration





Defines the target layer that will be used to determine the results of the neighbor search.


Only identifiable/selectable layers may be configured as target layers.

Target layer properties



See chapter Neighbor Search for information about the neighbor search in the WebOffice html client.


The Neighbor Search in WebOffice 10.9 R4 clients also supports WGS 1984 and Webmercator.