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Entire Project Configuration

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Project Structure Overall provides an overview of the configured project. Only features that are configured are listed but others can be added, edited or deleted. The element itself provides the option to change the user view retrospectively and/or restrict the WebOffice 10.8 SP2 to specific clients.


Project structure overall configuration

Project structure overall configuration




User view

- Map centric: Map is the users main interest and focus

- Map centric basic: Simplified User interface compared to Map centric

Flex client disabled?

Access to WebOffice flex (flash) client is prohibited (Yes) or not (No). This parameter has impact only if there exists a valid WebOffice flex (flash) license.

Mobile client disabled?

Access to WebOffice mobile client is prohibited (Yes) or not (No). This parameter has impact only if there exists a valid WebOffice mobile license.

Map widget client disabled?

Access to WebOffice map widget client is prohibited (Yes) or not (No). This parameter has impact only if there exists a valid WebOffice map widget license.

WebOffice mobile+ disabled?

Disables the functionality to start a project in WebOffice mobile+, even if licensed. This option is taken into account only if a valid WebOffice mobile+ is installed.

Default desktop client

This option is taken into account when the WebOffice 10.8 SP2 project starts using the "&client=auto" parameter. You can choose between core, corejs,  flex, flexjs, html and mobile.

Note: Since WebOffice 10.4 the WebOffice core client is configured as default.

Note: See chapter Migrate a Project from HTML to CORE Client for information how to make a WebOffice 10.8 SP2 project core-ready.

Default mobile client?

This option is taken into account when the WebOffice 10.8 SP2 project starts on the mobile devices. You can choose between flex and mobile.

Default core client?

This option is taken into account when the WebOffice project starts using the "&client=core" parameter. Based on WebOffice API or ArcGIS JS API (new core client).

Default flex client

This option is taken into account when the WebOffice project starts using the '&client=flex' parameter. Based on Adobe Flash or ArcGIS JavaScript API (new flex client).

Note: See chapter WebOffice flex client for information about the flex client based on Adobe Flash.

Note: See chapter New WebOffice flex client for information on the flex client based on the ArcGIS JavaScript API.

WebOffice configuration - Project structure overall


Furthermore, the project structure overall is structured into two subsequent nodes:





The Common node can contain the following properties depending on the configuration of the WebOffice 10.8 SP2 project:


DB Connections


WFS services


Network Analysis


Generic Search - Value List Behavior (see note below)

Customer Infos

Full-Text Search

Localization infos (see note below)


Note: The property Generic Search - Value List Behavior is accessible only via the project structure overall and therefore described in the subsequent chapters.

Note: Localization infos is a parameter usually specified in the Application Configuration where it is valid for all WebOffice 10.8 SP2 projects of the application. However, with the Localization infos parameter in the project structure overall it is possible to configure the same settings but project specific!



The WebOffice node can contain the following properties depending on the configuration of your WebOffice 10.8 SP2 project:

Map Elements

Project Configuration




Layer Configuration