Note: To be able to edit existing features in terms of changing the geometry or attributes you need to configure edit tools and layers in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 project.


If the edit tool and one or more edit layers are configured in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 project, then the add feature tool in the lower segment of the toolbar can be used to create a new feature.


Create feature in the WebOffice mobile client - tablet mode

Create feature in the WebOffice mobile client - tablet mode


After having activated the add feature tool, you can pick an edit layer. After that, a tool bar with edit functions (incl. cross hairs) appears in the center of the map. The process of creating a new feature with WebOffice mobile client depends on several parameters:


Switchable geometry editing (see chapter Editing)

If this parameter is disabled (No), the user has to follow a strict workflow in WebOffice mobile:

1. Add geometry and confirm

2. Set attributes

This means the user has to complete all geometry editing first before starting to edit attributes. After entering attributes it is not possible anymore to edit geometry again. If the parameter is set to Yes the user can always switch between attribute and geometry editing.


Edit mode (see chapter Edit Layers)

If set to only geometry the feature creation process is finished after confirming geometry editing, with attributes+geometry two workflows according to the parameter above are possible.


Snap layer (see chapter Snap Layers)

If configured, an additional button appears where snapping can be activated/deactivated.


Editing context menu

Editing context menu



Menu Item



Add Vertex

Add a vertex to the specified location


Select Vertex

Select a vertex for editing


Toggle Snapping

Snapping function allows accurate measuring



Remove the last base point


Edit Attribute

Open the attribute form


Finish Object

Finish the object


To simplify the process of placing a feature on an accurate position you can activate snapping if a snap layer is defined. With the mobile client a circle around the hair cross will appear when snapping is activated. The radius of the circle marks the snap tolerance. If an object of the defined snap layer is inside of the circle it will be marked orange and the newly created feature will be placed on that accurate position. If more than one object is within the circle, the nearest one in comparison to the hair cross will be marked orange and therefore used for snapping.


Editing features using snapping the nearest object to the crosshair will be used - tablet mode

Editing features using snapping the nearest object to the crosshair will be used - tablet mode


Note: The configuration about the snap tolerance can be defined in the node snap layer in every edit layer. Please see chapter Snap Layers for detailed information.

Note: If snapping is configured for an edit layer and Location Tool is used in WebOffice mobile client, also the last position will be added to the set of snapping points.


Move the map underneath the hair cross to define the position of a base point. You can add the base point to the map by pressing the Add Vertex button. For lines and polygons more base points can be added. If a vertex has been placed incorrectly, you can edit vertices in different ways:


Option A - Edit the vertex of a point feature to be created

Simply move the hair cross to another position and press the Add Vertex button again. Since only one vertex per feature is possible, the vertex to be created will be immediately placed on the new position.


Option B - Edit a vertex of a polyline or polygon feature to be created

Place the hair cross over a previously placed vertex and click the Select Vertex button to extend the editing context menu.


Extended editing context menu

Extended editing context menu



Menu Item



Deselect Selected Vertex

Deselects the currently selected vertex and closes the extended editing functions


Insert Before

Inserts a new vertex in the center between the selected and the previous vertex


Insert After

Inserts a new vertex in the center between the selected and the first vertex


Delete Vertex

Deletes the selected vertex


Option B provides again three different ways to edit a selected vertex

1. Move the selected Vertex
After having a vertex selected, move the hair cross to the desired new position. Click the Add Vertex button to move the selected vertex to this position.

2. Insert a new vertex before/after the selected vertex
After having a vertex selected, use the Insert Before/After button to add a new vertex automatically in the center of the connecting line between two vertices. Consider the following figure to determine the previous and the next vertex. From the currently selected vertex's perspective, the previous vertex is the one that is connected by the dashed drawing line, whereas the next vertex is on the other side.

Determining the next and previous vertex

Determining the next and previous vertex


3. Delete the selected vertex
After having a vertex selected, click the Delete Vertex button to remove the vertex.


If the vertex has been selected unintentionally, click the Deselect Selected Vertex button to get back to the standard editing context menu.

Note: The snapping function has no influence on the selection of vertices. For selecting a vertex, a scale independent pixel tolerance is taken into consideration.

Note: When editing polyline features, it is not possible to use the Insert Before button when editing the first vertex of a line.

Note: When editing polyline features, it is not possible to use the Insert After button when editing the last vertex of a line.


The Finish Object button finishes creating the geometry. After that a list (Tablets and pads above the lower segment of the toolbar / smartphones in a new tab) with different types of edit fields like value lists, text input fields or checkboxes will appear, depending on the configuration:


Editing fields in the WebOffice mobile client - tablet mode

Editing fields in the WebOffice mobile client - tablet mode


The Save button sets the attributes of the created feature and finishes editing.


Display of a group of edit fields

WebOffice 10.9 R4 also offers the possibility to group edit fields in the editing form. By configuring groups of edit fields a better overview can be created in the editing form. The single groups of edit fields can be opened and closed in the editing form.


Groups of edit fields in WebOffice mobile client

Groups of edit fields in WebOffice mobile client



Note: For detailed information about the configuration of input field types, please see chapter Editing Fields.

Note: In case an attribute field is configured with a domain range, the input values have to be inside the domain range. If an entered value is not within the domain range, WebOffice 10.9 R4 will show a warning message.

Note: Range domain will only be validated for values which

1) belong to a field connected to a range domain

2) belong to an editable field

3) have been edited during a creation or editing process

Note: In ArcMap an invalid value can be assigned to a feature if no feature validation is executed. WebOffice 10.9 R4 will not show a warning message if other attributes (e.g. the name of the feature) than the attribute field with domain range are being edited.

Note: The domain range of one field is depending on subtypes of another field (e.g. a feature class roads has an attribute speed_limit where the domain range depends on the subtypes of another field road_type (highway, major road, street)). WebOffice 10.9 R4 will not show a warning message if only the attribute field with the subtypes is changed although the value of the field relying on the subtype might be not within the domain range of the new subtype anymore.

Note: The WebOffice mobile client does not support any construction tools.