Open specific measure tool
The measurement tools in WebOffice offer a wide range of functionality. Points, distances or areas can be measured. The construction mode extends these functions again enormously. This amount of functions can overwhelm especially non-experts. For this reason a custom tool was developed, which makes it possible to open a certain measuring tool with a certain construction mode and snap layer. To do this, include the following file as a static custom tool pub/custom_tools/startConstructionWorkflow.html in your WebOffice project configuration.
Integration of the Custom Tool in the WebOffice author standalone
In addition, an individual icon can be created for calling up the application (such as here ct_construct01.png or ct_construct02.png).
Create icon for the application call
Several adjustments can be done in this html-file. For example, the variable externalToolId can be used to select which tool (Measure areas, Measure distance or Measure point) is to be opened. The variable constructionMode controls which construction mode is selected. The variable snapProfileId can be used to select a default snap layer. The ID of the snap layer can be found in the WebOffice author standalone debug mode at the id_snaplayer value in the list of snap layers at the corresponding snap layer.
After opening the tool in the WebOffice core, the corresponding Measure tool opens with the respective construction mode and snap layer. In this case, Measure Area opens with the Generate Square construction mode and the chosen snap layers (e.g. buildings).