Static Custom Tools

Since the WebOffice flex client differs from the WebOffice core client with regard to the user guidance concept, it should be noted when configuring the display mode for the Custom Tool that the modes have the following effect on the display of the Custom Tool in the WebOffice flex client:


Display modes:


oWindow type (Bottom left, Bottom right, Top left, Top right): Custom Tool is displayed as a tool

Static Custom tool with display mode iFrame and a Position as window type in WebOffice flex client

Static Custom tool with display mode iFrame and a Position as window type in WebOffice flex client


If the Docking-Button is activated in the WebOffice Mobile sub-node of the project configuration and it is a Simple Custom Tool, the window can be docked and undocked.

Simple Custom tool with display mode iFrame and a Position as window type in WebOffice flex client

Simple Custom tool with display mode iFrame and a Position as window type in WebOffice flex client


Note: For more information see chapter WebOffice Mobile.

oWindow type Floating: Custom Tool opens as tab in download container

Static custom tool with display mode iFrame and window type "Floating" in WebOffice flex client

Static custom tool with display mode iFrame and window type "Floating" in WebOffice flex client


oWindow type Hidden: Custom Tool cannot be opened


pop up: The Custom Tool opens in a new browser window


If no display mode is configured, the Custom Tool opens in the download container.


Static custom tools can be added to the group of initially hidden tools like any other toolbar tool. For more information on adding tools to the group of initially hidden tools, refer to the chapters Tools for WebOffice flex and Toolbar.


Note: For more information on configuring a Custom Tool, see Web Integration - Custom Tool.

Note: Further information on configuring the display modes can be found in chapter Display Mode.