The tool Add Images can be used in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 project to add image files to the server WebOffice 10.9 R4 server. The tool saves the EXIF header information into a feature class and display the images according to their position on the map.


Upload geotagged images tool configuration

Upload geotagged images tool configuration




Save path on App Server

Save path of the uploaded images.

At the WebOffice 10.9 R4 application server, using a local server drive, you can specify the path where the uploaded data will be stored.

Example: C:\arcgisserver\directories\WebOfficeUpload

Use Tool?

Specifies whether the tool or function is to be used in WebOffice client or not.

Quota [kb]

Maximum size of file upload. Default value = 50 MB;



Size of maximum file upload in KB. So, for example, the size of the uploaded ZIP file, not the size of the files it contains.

Add Images tool properties


To make the tool available in WebOffice 10.9 R4 client, at least the following items must be configured:

One Edit Layer (specifically for the Add Images tool)

Geotagging Attributes


The service, which is responsible for the Edit layer must contain a ArcMap published MapServer or FeatureServer service.



In the constellation of differently adjusted coordinate systems (main map service - ArcGIS Server Output Service - edit layer Add Images) please consider:

If the subsequent geometric editing (position) of uploaded georeferenced photos has an offset after completing the editing action, a subsequent adjustment is necessary.

In order to use the EXIF information of the uploaded georeferenced photos correctly, the corresponding feature class for the point photo location must be available in WGS84 (Geographic Coordinate System). If the main map service of your WebOffice project is available in WebMercator or WGS84, no transformation needs to be saved to the data frame (the underlying MXD for uploading georeferenced photos). However, if your main map service has a projected coordinate system, the correct transformation must be stored on the data frame (the underlying MXD for uploading the georeferenced photos).

Example: If your main map service has the EPSG code 31256, a transformation from GCS_WGS_1984 (EPSG: 4326) to EPSG: 31256 must be saved in the data frame.

This ensures that the position is taken over correctly when the geometrical position of the photos is subsequently edited.


Example for the configuration of a transformation on the "UploadGeotaggedImages" layer

Example for the configuration of a transformation on the "UploadGeotaggedImages" layer


Retrieve uploaded images

To retrieve the images from the WebOffice 10.9 R4 application or in other systems there has to exist a virtual directory which points to the upload folder of the file system. In a next step you want the layer that shows the uploaded images to be identifiable/selectable. Finally, configure a Hyperlink on the layer's search result view and define the field that contains the unique id (storage filename) of the uploaded image as key field.



When using Apache Tomcat Connector, consider Settings for Request Filtering when uploading large image files (> 20 MB) via Internet Information Services (IIS).



See chapter Activate Add Images for details about the configuration of this functionality for the WebOffice Sample Project.

See chapter Add Images for details about using the tool in the WebOffice core client.