The Markup tool provides functionality to make map notes, which can be used for easy exchange of drawing sketches via E-Mail. Additionally, it is possible to configure Markup styles which will later be available in the WebOffice core client.
Markup tool configuration
Property |
Description |
Use tool? |
Control if this tool is available in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 Client or not. |
Support orthogonal measuring? |
Specifies if orthogonal measuring should be supported by displaying 3 construction points near the mouse pointer.
Measure use background color? |
Use text background color for display of measured values (Yes/No). |
Measure background color |
Text background color for display of measured values. Please enter RGB-values in the left box or use the color picker. |
Markup-Textlength |
Maximum Markup text length. |
Font |
Font for Markup text. |
Font style |
Font style for Markup text. |
Text size |
Default text size (font size) |
Text color |
Color of Markup text. |
Use background color? |
Use text background color as default. |
Background color? |
Text background color. |
Outline color |
Text outline color. |
Defines if the font size should scale with the map scale (true) or stay a fixed text size (false). |
Show style dialog? |
Specifies whether the style dialog is visible in the tool form or not. |
Line width/point size |
Defines the line width/point size of the markup geometry. |
Shape color |
Color of point/line/area freehand shape. |
Fill color |
Fill color of area shape. |
Transparency level of fill color |
Transparency level of fill color [0..100%]. |
Markup can be used as selection geometry? |
Specifies, whether drawn points, lines and areas can also be used as selection geometries. |
Enable using selection geometry? |
Allows use of selection geometry as markup. |
Markup tool properties
•See chapter Markup Style for details about the configuration of markup styles. •See chapter Snap Layers for details about the configuration of snap layers in WebOffice author standalone. •See chapter Draw for more details about the measure/drawing tools in the WebOffice core client. |