With WebOffice 10.9 R4 it is possible to visualize transformations using a time slider. Through this slider it is possible to select different dates or periods and the time-related content will be shown accordingly in the map image.


The time slider is supported for the following scenarios:

1.ESRI Time Awareness on specific layers of a Map Service or a Feature Service

2.ESRI Time Awareness on Image Services (Mosaic-Dataset with time information) - see also Time in a mosaic dataset in ESRI Online help

3.Timeslider configuration directly in WebOffice 10.9 R4 on a specific layer with time information on a dedicated field (In this scenario no ESRI Time Awareness has to be configured)


WebOffice 10.9 R4 supports the following field formats for time slider:

















"YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss"

"YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.s"



"YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss"

"YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss.s"



"DD.MM.YY hh:mm:ss"

"DD.MM.YY hh:mm:ss.s"


"DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm:ss"

"DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm:ss.s"


Please note that the supported formats must be kept to the exact decimal place!

Supported field formats for time slider



By using Editing Configuration for UserManagement it can be useful to use the fields CREATE_DAT or CHANGE_DAT for the time slider.


To configure a time slider in your project you can use the button Time awareness in WebOffice author standalone:


Configuration of Time awareness

Configuration of Time awareness


To configure a time slider in your project you can also go in WebOffice author standalone directly to Map elements and add the node Time awareness.





The following parameters are valid for all time slide types:







Use time awareness?

Controls if the time awareness is available in the WebOffice Client or not.

Activate all time-enabled layers?

Activate time awareness on all time-enabled layers, not only the layers and services listed here?

Start maximized?

If True (default) the time slider tool is played after the project has been started, otherwise the tool is minimized and can be activated manually by the user.

Max number of steps

Maximal number of steps to be displayed on the time slider.

If the configuration of a time slider (see Interval length and Interval unit) would lead to more steps, only every second (or third, fourth...) step will be displayed, to not exceed the number configured here.




The sub node of Time awareness allows you to configure specific layers. It is possible to add layers with ESRI Time Awareness (1) or directly layers with time information (3).


Time-enabled layer:







Layer, which has ESRI Time Awareness activated or with time information fields.

Start time field

Field providing the start time of a feature.

It can also be left blank if Time Awareness has been configured on the layer.

End time field

Field providing the end time of a feature

It can also be left blank if Time Awareness has been configured on the layer.

Data changes frequently?

If the data of this time aware layer changes frequently and the time extent from the earliest to the latest feature is given by the layer (i.e. not being manually configured in a time slider profile), setting this option to Yes will cause the current time extent to be read from the layer when the project is started.

This setting only has an effect if the layer is configured on the ArcGIS Server with the option Data changes frequently so calculate time extent automatically.

The default value is No.

Create profile

If Yes the time awareness information of this layer shall be used to create a time slider profile. If there are also other profiles, this profile can be activated using the dropdown menu in the client.

Use as default

If Yes the profile of this layer shall be loaded as default. Otherwise, this profile can be activated using the dropdown menu in the client.


WebOffice 10.9 R4 offers the possibility to configure time awareness on ArcGIS Feature Service and ArcGIS Map Service tables. Possible use case could be the filtering of table results based on the time slider.



This feature is currently not implemented. The filtering of tables based on time awareness is not available yet.


Time-enabled table (ArcGIS Feature Service):


Configuration of table (ArcGIS Feature Service) with time awareness

Configuration of table (ArcGIS Feature Service) with time awareness






Layer, which has ESRI Time Awareness activated or with time information fields.

Start time field

Field providing the start time of a feature.

It can also be left blank if Time Awareness has been configured on the layer.

End time field

Field providing the end time of a feature

It can also be left blank if Time Awareness has been configured on the layer.

Data changes frequently?

If the data of this time aware layer changes frequently and the time extent from the earliest to the latest feature is given by the layer (i.e. not being manually configured in a time slider profile), setting this option to Yes will cause the current time extent to be read from the layer when the project is started.

This setting only has an effect if the layer is configured on the ArcGIS Server with the option Data changes frequently so calculate time extent automatically.

The default value is No.

Create profile

If Yes the time awareness information of this layer shall be used to create a time slider profile. If there are also other profiles, this profile can be activated using the dropdown menu in the client.

Use as default

If Yes the profile of this layer shall be loaded as default. Otherwise, this profile can be activated using the dropdown menu in the client.


Time-enabled table (ArcGIS Map Service):


Configuration of table (ArcGIS Map Service) with time awareness

Configuration of table (ArcGIS Map Service) with time awareness





Layer, which has ESRI Time Awareness activated or with time information fields.

Start time field

Field providing the start time of a feature.

It can also be left blank if Time Awareness has been configured on the layer.

End time field

Field providing the end time of a feature

It can also be left blank if Time Awareness has been configured on the layer.

Data changes frequently?

If the data of this time aware layer changes frequently and the time extent from the earliest to the latest feature is given by the layer (i.e. not being manually configured in a time slider profile), setting this option to Yes will cause the current time extent to be read from the layer when the project is started.

This setting only has an effect if the layer is configured on the ArcGIS Server with the option Data changes frequently so calculate time extent automatically.

The default value is No.

Create profile

If Yes the time awareness information of this layer shall be used to create a time slider profile. If there are also other profiles, this profile can be activated using the dropdown menu in the client.

Use as default

If Yes the profile of this layer shall be loaded as default. Otherwise, this profile can be activated using the dropdown menu in the client.


Time-enabled service:


Time-enabled service - related map service

Time-enabled service - related map service




Related map service

Reference to map service, feature service or image service


Create profile

If Yes the time awareness information of this service shall be used to create a time slider profile. If there are also other profiles, this profile can be activated using the dropdown menu in the client.

Use as default

If Yes the profile of this service shall be loaded as default. Otherwise, this profile can be activated using the dropdown menu in the client.


If multiple layers with Time Awareness are configured in a service, all of these layers can be used.


Time slider profile:



A Time slider profile can either be dimensioned automatically (see Create profile on the node Time-enabled layer or on the node Time-enabled service), or it can be configured manually from scratch.

Regardless of how and with which profile a time slider profile is created, there never is a functional relationship between a Time slider profile and a particular layer.

A Time slider profile only affects the representation of the time slider on the client, i.e. Minimum selectable start time, maximum start time, number of intermediate steps, type of slider, etc.

If a certain time range is selected on the time slider or the animation is started, all layers are affected that are currently displayed in the map view and on which time awareness is configured.

If it is desired that time awareness is displayed only on a specific layer, please create a map view in which only this layer is visible.


If the profile is not created automatically (from the time information of the layer) own profile settings can be configured with user settings, such as start time, end time, time step length, etc.


Configuration of Time slider profile

Configuration of Time slider profile





Time slider profile name

Interval unit

The unit of the step interval for the time slider

Interval length

The step interval for the time slider.

This is a number that in combination with the interval unit defines the interval.

Start time

The start point for the time slider

Note: This configuration is only taken into account if the Start time (dynamic) parameter is empty.

End time

The end point for the time slider

Note: This configuration is only taken into account if the End time (dynamic) parameter is empty.

Initial start time

The initial start point for the time slider

Note: This configuration is only taken into account if the Initial Start time (dynamic) parameter is empty.

Initial end time

The initial end point for the time slider

Note: This configuration is only taken into account if the Initial End time (dynamic) parameter is empty.

Start time (dynamic)

The dynamic start point for the time slider, relative to the current moment.

If a value is configured here, it supersedes the attribute Start time.

A valid expression must start with now, followed by 0...n elements that each induce a time offset or a time rounding.

The following units may be used:

"s (second), m (minute), h (hour), w (week), M (month), y (year), D (decade).


Here you can find some examples for better understanding:


2020-11-24 13:30:05

now -2M

2020-09-24 13:30:05

now +3M /M

2021-02-01 00:00:00

now +3M /M +15d

2021-02-16 00:00:00

now +5d /d

2020-11-29 00:00:00

now +1h /h

2020-11-24 14:00:00

now +15m +30s

2020-11-24 13:45:35

now +15m +30s /m

2020-11-24 13:45:00

now +15m /m +30s

2020-11-24 13:45:30

now /y  

2020-01-01 00:00:00

End time (dynamic)

The dynamic end point for the time slider, relative to the current moment.

If a value is configured here, it supersedes the attribute End time.

A valid expression must start with now, followed by 0...n elements that each induce a time offset or a time rounding.

The following units may be used:

"s (second), m (minute), h (hour), w (week), M (month), y (year), D (decade).


For better understanding, you will find some sample configurations in the form of a table at the Start time (dynamic) parameter.

Initial start time (dynamic)

The dynamic initial start point for the time slider, relative to the current moment.

If a value is configured here, it supersedes the attribute Initial start time.

If a value is defined here, the left slider knob will be initially placed to this position when loading the project.

A valid expression must start with now, followed by 0...n elements that each induce a time offset or a time rounding.

The following units may be used:

"s (second), m (minute), h (hour), w (week), M (month), y (year), D (decade).


For better understanding, you will find some sample configurations in the form of a table at the Start time (dynamic) parameter.

Initial end time (dynamic)

The dynamic initial end point for the time slider, relative to the current moment.

If a value is configured here, it supersedes the attribute Initial end time.

If a value is defined here, the right slider knob will be initially placed to this position when loading the project.

A valid expression must start with now, followed by 0...n elements that each induce a time offset or a time rounding.

The following units may be used:

"s (second), m (minute), h (hour), w (week), M (month), y (year), D (decade).


For better understanding, you will find some sample configurations in the form of a table at the Start time (dynamic) parameter.

Time slider type

The time slider may have one of the following two types:

- the type Point in Time shows only one marker (point in time) and is used to select single points in time

- the type Time Range shows two markers (start time and end time) and is used to select time ranges

External ID

External ID used in parametrized calls to WebOffice for identifying the time slider profile.


External IDs may not contain spaces or special characters. Only combinations of the following letters and numbers are permitted or are intended to be used:

A to Z (uppercase letters)

A to z (lowercase letters)

0 to 9 (numeric characters)

Show input fields?

Defines whether (additionally to the time slider) text fields shall be displayed to enter time values manually.

Start time lockable?

If the time slider is of the type Time Range, it is possible to define here whether the user shall be able to lock the start time.

When the start time is locked, the chosen start time will not move if Step back, Step forward or Play is executed.

This attribute has no effect, if the time slider is of the type Point in Time.

Start time locked?

If the time slider is of the type Time Range and the attribute Start time lockable? is set to Yes, the initial value of the checkbox that will be displayed on the time slider can be set here.

This attribute has no effect, if the time slider is of the type Point in Time or the attribute Start time lockable? is deactivated.

End time lockable?

If the time slider is of the type Time Range, it is possible to define here whether the user shall be able to lock the end time.

When the end time is locked, the chosen end time will not move if Step back, Step forward or Play is executed.

This attribute has no effect, if the time slider is of the type Point in Time.

End time locked?

If the time slider is of the type Time Range and the attribute End time lockable? is set to Yes, the initial value of the checkbox that will be displayed on the time slider can be set here.

This attribute has no effect, if the time slider is of the type Point in Time or the attribute End time lockable? is deactivated.

Snap to steps?

If true the GUI control always snaps to the next step mark. Otherwise, the precise chosen value on the time slider is used.


Please note that the labels in the timeline always have the same distance, regardless of their value, if this parameter is set to true. So, for example, if 2000, 2001 and 2010 are available as values, the distance between 2000 and 2001 will be the same as between 2001 and 2010.

Use as default

If Yes this profile shall be loaded as default. Otherwise, this profile can be activated using the dropdown menu in the client.

Map View

Defines a specific map view to be displayed when the time slider profile is chosen. If no map view is configured, the current map does not get changed at all and the map does not get updated when the time slider profile is activated.


Time Slider profiles are displayed in the client as a drop-down. Depending on the configuration it is possible to lock the start time or end time regarding the animation functionality.


Time slider profile in WebOffice core Client

Time slider profile in WebOffice core Client



If the configuration is correct, the time slider will be in the lower area in the map image from the Core client. It is possible to control the content to the desired date or time range and to start an animation.


Display of the objects in the map based on the respective time awareness in the WebOffice core client

Display of the objects in the map based on the respective time awareness in the WebOffice core client