Publish the "SynOutputService"
With the ArcGIS Server Object Extension for WebOffice installed, first it is necessary to prepare the WebOffice plot templates (and optionally the WebOffice ePaper templates) and to share SynOutputService as a service.
In the next step, copy the content from WebOffice10.9R4-DVD\Software\WebOffice directories\ServiceDocuments to your ServiceDocuments directory (e.g. C:\arcgisserver\directories\ServiceDocuments).
Extract the
It contains the SynOutputService.mxd and a folder SynOutputService with eight file geodatabases and another folder:
•Use the markup feature classes in the SynOutputService directly from an eGDB (SDE). For demo and test purposes it is recommended to leave the markup feature classes of the SynOutputService in the fGDB and for productive use, i. e. as soon as there is a load on the server, to always move them into an SDE database. See more details in Put Markup Feature Classes into SDE. •Make sure that the user that runs ArcGIS Server has full rights for all syn_markup geodatabases. Otherwise there might be problems with displaying selections in WebOffice map widget or measure drawings won't be visible when printing the maps. •Make also sure, that the attribute read-only of the folder SynOutputService (including subfolders) is NOT checked. •Be sure that the user that runs ArcGIS Server has full rights for the file geodatabases! Otherwise, the Upload Local Geodata tool will not be available. |
SynOutputService file structure
SynOutputService - Security settings for gdb
Now add the SynOutputService.mxd into ArcMap and if necessary set correct data source pointing to the geodatabases in the SynOutputService directory and save the MXD. Now it is necessary to register the file geodatabases of folder SynOutputService at the server so they will not be copied to the server during the publishing process. Right-click on your ArcGIS Server connection and press Server Properties.
Open server properties
Press the + button at Registered Folders, browse to the SynOutputService folder (e.g. <ArcGIS Server location>\directories\ServiceDocuments\SynOutputService) and enter a name. Confirm with OK.
Register the folder SynOutputService
Registered folder SynOutputService
Then click File > Share As > Service...
Share as service in ArcMap
Choose the option Publish a service and press Next.
Publish a service
Choose your publisher connection and leave the default service name SynOutputService.
Choose a connection and a service name
You can leave the [root] folder selected to publish the SynOutputService.
Publish service to folder
In the Service Editor go to Parameters and set Anti-Aliasing to Normal.
This settings leads to better results with uploaded data and when using Export Map Image with Markups. |
Activate Anti-Aliasing
Then go to Capabilities and deactivate KML.
Deactivate KML in the capabilities
Increase the maximum time a client can use a service from default 600 seconds to 1200 seconds.
This step needs to be done if Timeouts will be used in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 application. |
Increase the maximum time a client can use a service
Skip the analyzing process and directly publish the service. Confirm by pressing the OK button to publish the service successfully.
Successfully published SynOutputService