Spatial Extent
Create a new Spatial Extent or edit an existing one. Any configured spatial extents may be used in the group rights for projects. This way it is possible to assign different spatial extents for different user groups (roles), e.g. the spatial extent of Austria for the user group Austria, the spatial extent Germany for users in Germany.
Therefore, you need to give a name and the minimum and maximum X- and Y-coordinates. All fields are mandatory.
Create Spatial Extent - step 1
Property |
Description |
Name |
Enter a name for the spatial extent
min. X |
Define the minimum x coordinate.
min. Y |
Define the minimum y coordinate.
max. X |
Define the maximum x coordinate.
max. Y |
Define the maximum y coordinate.
Create spatial extent properties
In the final step you get a resume. Click the Finish button to store your edits.
Create Spatial Extent - step 2
•See chapter Group Right for Projects for details about assigning a specific spatial extent for a project group right. •See chapter Full Extent for details about the configuration of a full extent in WebOffice author. •See chapter Initial Extent for details about the configuration of an initial extent in WebOffice author. |