Increase maximum memory for heap size

Follow directions of this chapter if you have troubles when creating an WebOffice ePaper report because of memory problems and get an error message in your Weboffice log file like the one below:


caused by failed to process REST communication due to error in response (message: failed to handle SOE request, possible error codes: [UNKNOWN]), details: [[failed to handle SOE request, Java heap space]]


In this case you can increase the maximum memory for the heap size either a) only at the SynoutputService or b) for all services in the ArcGIS Server administration directory.



VertiGIS recommends increasing the heap size only at the service level on SynoutputService because changing the heap size at the service level provides better performance than changing the heap size at the entire server level.

As of ArcGIS Server 10.7, the heap size can be set at the service level. The default size for each service is 64 MB.



For more information see ArcGIS Online Help.



a) Changing the heap size at the service level (SynOutputService)

Access the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory via https://<server name>[:<port>]/arcgis/admin and log in with the primary administration user.



Navigate to services/SynOutputService.




On the Service Properties page, click the Supported Operations link: edit to view the page in JSON format.



Increase the value for javaHeapSize accordingly.



Click Save Edits to complete the editing.


b) Changing the heap size at the server level


Call the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory https://<server name>[:<port>]/arcgis/admin and log in with your primary site administrator name and password.


ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory

ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory


Navigate to machines.

Navigate to machines

Navigate to machines


Select the machine you are using.


Select the correct machine

Select the correct machine


Click edit to change the server machine properties.


Edit server machine properties

Edit server machine properties


Increase the SOC maximum heap size (in MB) to, e.g. 256.


Increase SOC maximum heap size

Increase SOC maximum heap size


Save edits which will cause the web server to restart.