With the help of this Identify tool it is possible in the %CORE% client to display a relate tree representing the relations of the selected service.


Relate tree in the WebOffice core client

Relate tree in the WebOffice core client


The grayed out nodes, indicate a duplicate node inside the entire relation tree. The call sign appears for a node when it is repeated within a relation branch (the initial node is reached again).



The query tree currently only considers ESRI relates. WebOffice relates cannot be mapped with the query tree at the moment.


Configure the custom tool as follows:

(1) Web integration - custom identify tool

Configure a custom identify tool from the Web Integration group with the following parameters:

URL of external page: vertigis.com (any web page can be selected here)

Tool tip: RelateTree

Visible in Client: Desktop clients only (Since a correct function in mobile clients is currently not supported)

In the Identify Custom Tool: Click point node you have to specify the desired search result views of the search layers, which should be taken into account during the Identify process.


Configuration of a custom identify tool in the WebOffice author standalone

Configuration of a custom identify tool in the WebOffice author standalone



More details about the configuration of a custom tool can be found in chapter Web Integration - Custom Tool.

(2) Search result view

Configure a search result view with the following parameters:

Name: Give the search result view a meaningful name to be able to assign it precisely later on.

Restrict for: Custom Tool


Configuration of a search result view in the WebOffice author standalone

Configuration of a search result view in the WebOffice author standalone



For more information about configuring a search results view, see the chapter Search Result View.

(3)Integration (Call FROM WebOffice)

Configure a Integration (Call FROM WebOffice) with the following parameters:

Application name: Assign a meaningful name

Base URL: pub/custom_tools/RelateTree/RelateTree.jsp


Configuration of the Intergration (Call FROM WebOffice) in the WebOffice author standalone

Configuration of the Intergration (Call FROM WebOffice) in the WebOffice author standalone


(4) Furhter integrations

It is also possible to display additional integrations by right-clicking on an entry in the relate tree.


Further integrations in the relation tree in the WebOffice core client

Further integrations in the relation tree in the WebOffice core client


Further integrations can be configured in the %WEBAUTHOR_STANDALONE% in the respective search result view.


Konfiguration weiterer Integrationen im WebOffice author standalone

Konfiguration weiterer Integrationen im WebOffice author standalone



For more information on configuring an integration, refer to the chapter Integration (Call FROM WebOffice).