Use ArcGIS Pro Popups in WebOffice
In WebOffice 10.9 R4 Custom Tools can be used to override WebOffice MapTips with the original Esri ArcGIS pop-ups, which are stored in a Feature Service. In ArcGIS Pro the pop-ups can be prepared in different ways, for example by displaying numerical data in the form of diagrams.
•For more information on how to configure popups in ArcGIS Pro, see the ArcGIS chapter Configure pop-ups. •More information about configuring popup diagrams can be found in the chapter Provide ArcGIS Pop-Up diagrams. |
You can only use ArcGIS Pop-Ups in combination with data from Feature Services. Map Services are not supported. |
ArcGIS Popup in WebOffice 10.9 R4
To configure this custom tool for your project the following steps are necessary:
Configuration of the tool:
At first the file customPopup.htm has to be adapted to the desired data source. The file is stored in the following directory:
C:\Tomcat\webapps\<WebOffice application>\pub\custom_tools\customPopup.htm
The fields used for the diagram must be identifiable in WebOffice 10.9 R4. For more information, please refer to chapter Define Selectable/Identifiable Layers |
Configuration of the file "customPopup.htm"
Step 1: Configure service_id:
In the Admin Part the service_id of the layer to be used for the diagram visualization must be configured. This is built up as follows:
id_mapservice + _ + sublayerId
id_mapservice can be taken from the WebOffice author standalone in debug mode (see next screenshot).
See chapter Settings to activate the debug mode in the WebOffice author standalone. |
The sublayerId corresponds to the ID of the desired layer in the ArcGIS Feature Service, which is easiest to find out via the REST interface (see screenshot after next).
Determining the value for "id_mapservice"
Determining the value for "sublayerId"
Step 2: Tool-Configuration in WebOffice author standalone:
In the WebOffice author standalone a new custom tool must be configured in the next step.
For URL of external page the path to the customPopup.htm file, which was adapted in the previous step, must be specified.
In addition, a map view, which contains the data layer on which the diagram is based should be selected for Map View.
Web-Integration - custom tool
Afterwards, an Advanced Custom Tool with the Click point tool mode must be configured as a subnode.
Furthermore, the Layer parameter must refer to the layer configured in the customPopup.htm file. A unique field of the layer must be specified as key field.
Advanced Custom Tool