It is also possible to configure different Markup Styles for the Markup tool. If there is more than one style configured, the user can select one of them, but isn't able to adapt it again in the markup tool dialog.



Markup styles are also important for measuring in the WebOffice mobile client. This is the only way a user in the WebOffice mobile client can change the appearance of text and measure properties.


Markup styles configuration

Markup styles configuration




Style Name

Style name displayed in style selection.

Markup text length

Maximum markup text length.


Font for markup text.

Font style

Font style for markup text.

Text size

Default text size (font size).

Text color

Color of markup text.

Use background color?

Use text background color as default (true) or not (false).

Background color

Text background color.

Outline color

Outline color of text background box.

Line width / point size

Line width respectively point size in pixels.

Shape color

Color of point/line/area freehand shape.

Fill color

Fill color of area shape.

Transparency level of fill color

Transparency level of fill color [0..100%].

Measure use background color?

Use text background color for display of measured values (true/false)

Measure background color

Text background color for display of measured values.

Markup styles properties



See chapter Markup for details about the configuration of the markup tool.

See chapters Measure/Markup and Measure distance for details about the tool appearance in the WebOffice core client.

See chapter Snap Layers for details about the configuration of snap layers in WebOffice author standalone.