It is possible to configure Layer Group and / or Layer elements as child elements of the layer list of a map service.



Annotation layers must be configured as a layer group. The configuration as a normal Layer is not allowed.

It is neither possible to change the display order of layer groups nor layers by configuring a WebOffice 10.9 R3 table of content structure different to the ArcMap table of content.


Layer group configuration

Layer group configuration




Layer name (Table of content)

If no layer name is specified, then the name used in the ArcMap document will be used.


This Layer name is used in WebOffice 10.9 R3 clients. If the layer does not get configured in the table of contents then the layer name may still be specified in the configuration element search/query layer.

Metadata URL

You can either

configure a reference to a metadata document (must be available via HTTP) as URL or

specify the unique Metadata document identifier (UUID) of a catalog service (CSW 2.0) here. For this you must configure the SOAP interface of the catalog service using the metadata display element.

Metadata short description

Metadata short description shown as tool tip in WebOffice 10.9 R3 clients.


See chapter Table of Content for details about the TOC appearance in the WebOffice core client.


Related layer group of the ArcMap table of content.


Specifies if the layer group is initially expanded (on) or collapsed (off).


Specifies if the layer group can be expanded or not by the user in WebOffice core client.

If not (No) then the user is only able to switch the visibility of the whole layer group but not for sub layers of this layer group.

Visible in map?

Used to define the visibility of the layer for startup. If visible is not specified explicitly (auto), the original setting in the MXD file is used.

Visible in TOC?

Used to define the initial visibility of the element in the TOC.

If visible is not specified explicitly (auto), the element is initially displayed in the TOC.

- off: the element is not shown (switched to invisible).

- on: the element is shown (visible).

Visibility changeable by user?

Specifies if the layer visibility can be changed by the user.

Legend visible?

Specifies if the legend (symbology) can be displayed by the user in the WebOffice core client.


If complex symbology is displayed, it may be useful to avoid display of legend symbology in the WebOffice core client.

Layer group properties



See Best Practices chapters Table of Content and Layer Properties before you start configuring the table of content in WebOffice author standalone.

See chapter Table of Content (TOC) for details about the configuration of WebOffice 10.9 R3 TOC.

See chapter Table of Content for details about the TOC appearance in the WebOffice core client.