The DB connection information for read access is necessary for reading user management database user role and access rights entries.

DB connection information for read access configuration
DB-Connection parameter
Database Connection information is needed for WebOffice 10.9 R4 in order to read user role and access rights information from the user management database.

If you like to use a SQLite file as a user management database the following database connection parameters have to be used:
jdbc:sqlite: C:/work/mydatabase.db (Windows)
jdbc:sqlite: /home/leo/work/mydatabase.db (Linux, Mac OS X)
In paths relative to the WebOffice base root folder this placeholder could be used: <%webroot%> (eg. jdbc:sqlite:<%webroot%>/WEB-INF/classes/configuration/databases/UMDB.sqlite)
DB user name
Database user name to provide (read) access to the database.
Password of the database user.
Oracle database schema
Name of the Oracle schema when different than the one of the user that is used for login.

•This functionality is required if the Oracle schema is created with a different user (e.g. UMDB_ADMIN) than the one used for connection with WebOffice (e.g. UMDB_USER).
•Example Scenario:
UMDB_ADMIN has created the Oracle schema
UMDB_USER shall be configured in the application configuration for DB read access
•The user UMDB_USER has to be able to do the following command:
•The respective schema owner has to be configured in the web.config as well. |
DB connection information for read access configuration