ORACLE Connection Parameter


The installation order of the Oracle client must be maintained as follows: first install the 64-bit client and finally the 32-bit client.

When using the WebOffice extensions + ArcGIS Engine, a concurrent installation of the Oracle 64- and 32-bit client is required on the ArcGIS Server environment.

In the Windows environment variables (PATH) the 64-bit client should be in front of the 32-bit client -> this setting is required by ArcGIS server.

At the server where the web application UserManagement Admin Web is installed, at least an Oracle client has to be installed to connect to the Oracle database.

Also at the server where WebOffice author is used an Oracle client has to be installed – else it is not possible for WebOffice author to connect to the user management database and to write the required base information to database.

In use of an Oracle database or client the user of the WebOffice extensions have to be granted access to the file tnsnames.ora. The access rights have to be applied accordingly. If the access rights are not sufficient, it is recommended to add the WebOffice extensions user to the local Windows administration group.

The following user also has to be granted access to the tnsnames.ora file: IIS_IUSRS.



For more information see ArcGIS online help in the chapter Connect to Oracle from ArcGIS.


The example shows a connection profile with the following values:























Alias name that will be displayed in the User Management Admin Web list of profiles


TNS entry that is saved in tnsnames.ora


See the example below this table.


Number of the used port




Leave this field blank


User to be used for connection of User Management Admin Web to the user management database.


This user has to have read and write rights.


Password of the user


The administrator has to encrypt the password with the password.exe application.


See chapter Creating an Encrypted Password for details.


Name of the Oracle schema owner when different than the one of the user that is used for login.


This functionality is required if the Oracle schema is created with a different user (e.g. UMDB_ADMIN) than the one used for connection with WebOffice (e.g. UMDB_USER).

Example Scenario:
UMDB_ADMIN has created the Oracle schema
UMDB_OPER shall be configured for connection in User Management Admin Web.

The respective schema owner has to be configured in  the application configuration as well.

In order to execute a version upgrade the schema owner has to be used! A version upgrade is not possible with a user other than the schema owner.


Connecting to a  64-bit OLEDB-Client for Oracle and  MSSQL set the value .1'


To configurate provider-specific extensions.


0: Defines, that the database connection is closed after every database access.

1: Defines, that the database connection keeps alive.


The value 1 improves the performance especially for MS Access, because the database connection keeps alive. But keep in mind that the session on the server also remains open for a bit  longer.

We recommend

'1 -> MS Access

'0 -> SQL and Oracle


URL to the WebOffice administration page (SynAdmin): Enables a button in the User Management Admin Web to reload the user management data of the WebOffice application and reset the cache.


Specified in days: If logging entries (of the self-registration) are older than the configured value, these logging entries will be deleted.


URL to the WebOffice project in order to communicate project approvals to users by mail. (e.g. after a group change by the administrator).


Specified in days: If logging entries (of the self-registration) are older than the configured value, these logging entries will be deleted.


The file tnsnames.ora (located e.g. in C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\NETWORK\ADMIN\) has to contain an according host name (=TNS entry):


# tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\NETWORK\ADMIN\tnsnames.ora

# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.


myOracleConnection =



     (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = myserver)(PORT = 1521))



     (SERVICE_NAME = sde92)










     (SID = PLSExtProc)


