Printing (Legacy)
Printing is done using the WebOffice plot extension and the Server Object Extension installed on the ArcGIS Server machine. WebOffice 10.9 R4 provides the functionality of dynamic printing to use an ArcGIS Server Output Service called SynOutputService for printing that contains all visible contents. The dummy service can either be the centrally configured in the form of the ArcGIS Server Output Service in the Map Elements or separately as a specific ArcGIS Server Print Service in the Print configuration. WebOffice 10.9 R4 fills this empty dummy service dynamically by iterating through all layer of all integrated map services, selecting all visible layers and transferring them to the SynOutputService.
Use the ArcGIS Server Print Service in the printing configuration only if you need some specific configuration within your output service. |
Dynamic printing architecture
Interaction between WebOffice 10.9 R4 Application Server and ArcGIS Server Server
Especially if WebOffice 10.9 R4 is set up in a distributed architecture (i.e. WebOffice 10.9 R4 application server and ArcGIS Server are installed on different machines) then a few things need to be known about how the plotting mechanisms work in order to configure the system properly. The figure below shows the interaction sequence between WebOffice 10.9 R4 application server and ArcGIS Server map service with activated WebOffice plot extension. It is important to note that communication via HTTP (by default using port 80) is used for exchanging map images between WebOffice 10.9 R4 application server (http://<server host name>/WebOffice/output) and ArcGIS Server map service (http://<server host name>/arcgisoutput).
In some scenarios like, e.g. when using WebOffice usermanagement with Authentication Type NTLM for implementing Single Sign On, you may run into problems concerning print output generation (not all map content shown in WebOffice 10.9 R4 clients is available in print output document) because the WebOffice plot extension (running on ArcGIS Server machine) is not able to retrieve image files generated by WebOffice 10.9 R4 server (on WebOffice 10.9 R4 application server machine) using anonymous HTTP. For solving this problem it is possible to configure an alternative WebOffice 10.9 R4 output URL to be used. If this output URL is implemented as virtual directory with anonymous HTTP access then WebOffice plot extension will be able to retrieve all image files contributing to the final plot output document. This virtual directory may not be located inside the WebOffice 10.9 R4 web application directory. For using any type of markup in prints it is also necessary to support all needed world file types in the virtual output directory.
See chapter WebOffice and Authentication Type NTLM for details of configuring an output folder in WebOffice 10.9 R4 and IIS. |
Print output generation
Data Frame Properties Affecting Print Output
Since dynamic printing means that all layers from multiple different data frames get loaded into one data frame dynamically there should be taken care of the data frame properties of all included data frames to avoid unexpected map output results. To guarantee a correct print output, reference scales on all data frames with printable content have to be identical to the reference scale of the data frame of the Main Map Service. Differing reference scales can cause certain symbols to be displayed at unexpected sizes. Use consistent reference scale values throughout your map collection to ensure proper symbol scaling.
The reference scales will be used in printing the following way: •no reference scale in any contributing map service -> no reference scale used in printing •main map service is contributing to the print -> the reference scale of the main map service will be used in printing (i.e. if the main map service does not have a reference scale, no reference scale will be used in the print, even if other contributing map services have a defined reference scale) •main map service is not contributing to the print -> the first available reference scale of contributing map services (from top to bottom in the stack) will be used in the print. |
Reference scale setting in data frame properties
To guarantee correct labeling in the print output, all data frames have to use the same label engine. Differing label engine settings will disable labeling for all features of certain data frames. When working with different labeling engines, the labeling engine of the main data frame will be used for labeling. All features of a data frame using a different labeling engine will not be labeled in print output.
Labeling engine setting in data frame properties
Whenever you want to use printing in WebOffice 10.9 R4 where the contributing data uses different coordinate systems that require geographic transformations you have to modify the SynPlotService.mxd in order to prevent unwanted offset in the plot.
See chapter Support Printing with Various Coordinate Systems for details. |
Modifications in the data frame properties concerning
•background color and
will affect the layout when publishing the service and will be carried over from the print template.
Frame settings in the data frame properties