Userdefined Labelingl tool in the WebOffice html client

Userdefined Labelingl tool in the WebOffice html client


The Userdefined Labeling tool supports labeling of point, line and polygon objects with content from the feature defined by Search Result View that has been specifically restricted for userdefined labeling.


Place a Userdefined Labeling

After activating the Userdefined Labeling tool there are several options to be set in the tool dialog before placing a label in the map.


Fully expanded Userdefined Labeling tool dialog in the WebOffice html client

Fully expanded Userdefined Labeling tool dialog in the WebOffice html client


Labeling Layer and Labeling Configuration

In a first step choose the Labeling Layer and the Labeling Configuration. All layers with a Label Feature configuration will be listed in the labeling layer drop-down menu. In case you have got more than one specified search result you can choose the desired labeling configuration.

Note: Provide a better overview about layers available for userdefined labeling by configuring layer categories. See chapter List of Layer Categories for details.


Label Styles

Different label styles are available for the user, if more than one style were configured in VertiGIS GmbH - Technical Documentation Team.


Labeling Options

Choose your label style.


Available Labelfields

The user can select single or multiple fields which ought to be used for labeling (i.e. content related or field name). In addition, the user can choose to insert a Splitter as separator for multiple information content (i.e. a comma, dot, hyphen, slash or break). The field order may be changed using the context menu.

Note: The separator \n separates the attributes via line break so that each attribute is in a new line. Labeling features of an ArcMap relate or a WebOffice relate with the separator \n is not possible. In this case the separator will be ignored.


To label a feature, the user can click on the desired location (i.e. point or area of interest). A leader line with the feature details will appear. The information can now be placed anywhere in the map by simply double-clicking on the wanted location for the label.


Changing the label field order in the context menu

Changing the label field order in the context menu


Labeling Features

If multiple features of the same theme are selected, the related objects or features are listed in the Labeling Features section. The user can select an entry by clicking on it to place the label into the map accordingly.


Labeling features

Labeling features


If multiple objects from multiple layers are selected (when choosing Visible Layers as labeling layers) a separate window appears that shows all features to be labeled. Each feature appearing in the box can be selected and zoomed to by double-clicking on its description.


Labeling objects from multiple layers

Labeling objects from multiple layers


Current Labels

The information of each label placed will be shown in the Current Labels section of the tool dialog. By selecting an entry, the selected label/feature will be highlighted in the map and can then be removed.


Print or Send Labels by Email

By using the Print button, the print tool form will open if configured.  Userdefined labelings and other markups will be included in the output. Pressing Send by Email will let you open your mail program and send an email with a state id link that includes the saved redlining that has been created in this session.


Delete a Userdefined Labeling

There are several options to delete a symbol:

1.You can open the Current Objects section and click the button to delete a specific object or press Remove All Labels.

2.Click the Clear Selection tool to remove ALL redlining objects


Note: In order to save the label settings on the client-side (chosen label configuration per layer, field order and splitter), the user must Save User Profile.


Note: See chapter Label Feature for details about the tool configuration in WebOffice author.

Note: See chapter Label Style for details about the configuration of label styles in WebOffice author.

Note: See chapter Search Result View to see how to restrict a search result view for userdefined labeling in WebOffice author.

Note: See chapter WebOffice Defaults for details about changing the pixel tolerance for userdefined labeling in WebOffice author.

Note: See chapter Print for details about the configuration of WebOffice plot.

Note: See chapter Email Map for details about what is saved in a state.