Buffer/Neighbors tool in the WebOffice html client

Buffer/Neighbors tool in the WebOffice html client


Buffer analysis based on a target layer using the current selection. The result of the buffer operation is a set of objects found in the buffer target layer. Attribute data of the objects found as well as a map with the highlighted objects and the buffer area are displayed.


Buffer/Neighbors tool dialog

Buffer/Neighbors tool dialog




Buffer layer

All selectable layers will be listed.

Buffer distance [Unit]

Set the buffer distance. Click the calculator symbols to choose the measure units.

Show Buffer Area

Check the box if you want to have the buffer area displayed.

Completely Inside/Intersects

Define whether features should be selected only if they are completely inside the buffer area or if they just have to intersect.

Zoom Buffer Area

Click the button to update the map extent with a zoom to the buffer area.

Zoom Buffer Features

Click the button to update the map extent with a zoom to the buffer features.


Execute the buffer operation after having made all settings. You can buffer

based on original selection

based on current result




Restore Base Selection

Reset the buffer operation and return to the base selection.

Buffer/Neighbors tool dialog


As soon as a selection is provided, start the buffer tool and define the necessary properties to execute the buffer operation.


A selection of features provide the basis for a buffer operation

A selection of features provide the basis for a buffer operation


Result of the buffer operation with three features at least intersecting the buffer area

Result of the buffer operation with three features at least intersecting the buffer area


Note: For a layer specific buffer configuration see chapter Buffer.

Note: See chapter Create Buffer for details about the tool configuration in WebOffice author.

Note: Provide a better overview about layers available for buffering by configuring layer categories. See chapter List of Layer Categories for details.