Advanced Statistics

Follow the steps in this chapter to create advanced WebOffice 10.9 R4 Statistics with MS Excel:


1.Create a new Excel sheet and copy and paste the content of the time span to be analyzed (<WebOffice web application>\WEB-INF\work\WebOffice_<date>.csv). Transform the CSV text (semikolon delimiter) into columns.

2. In Excel go to ribbon INSERT and select Pivot Chart > PivotChart & PivotTable from the Charts menu


Insert a Pivot Chart in MS Excel

Insert a Pivot Chart in MS Excel


3.  Select the Field REQUEST and drag it into Legend Fields

4.  Select the Field DATE and drag it into Axis Fields

5.  Select the Field USER and drag it into Values


Pivot Table creation

Pivot Table creation


You can select the Requests you want to analyze from the Column Labels drop down box.


Column Labels in Pivot Chart

Column Labels in Pivot Chart


The following chart shows the statistics of all search results or MapTips:


Search result and Map tip analysis

Search result and Map tip analysis



See chapter WebOffice Statistics for details about the administration of WebOffice statistics.

See chapter Statistics Tab for details about accessing statistics in SynAdmin.

See chapter Statistics for details about the configuration of statistics in WebOffice author.

See chapter Overall Statistics from Daily Statistics for details how to create an overall statistics file.