In the Statistics tab you can quickly get an impression on the count of WebOffice 10.9 R4 client sessions (a session gets established if a user opens a WebOffice 10.9 R4 client in its browser and works with it. Therefore, the count of WebOffice 10.9 R4 sessions is a good basis for getting information on WebOffice 10.9 R4 usage). Within one session hundreds of requests/transactions may get processed (i.e. the sessions count is totally different from transaction, page hit or page impression count).


SynAdmin statistics tab

SynAdmin statistics tab


You can focus on a specific project configuration or get an analysis for all projects of the whole web application. Choose a specific request type from the following options:


Project Start

Map Display

Print Outputs

Search Result

Map Widget Start

Logged in users per day (only with activated WebOffice usermanagement)

Clients ranked by Starts

Projects ranked by Starts

User ranked by Starts (only when WebOffice usermanagement is activated)

All current sessions


Define the period you want to search for by selecting the desired dates with the calendar function. Then click Generate Report button for generating a numeric report.


Generate a report

Generate a report


By clicking with the right mouse button within the statistics window you can open a context menu. This provides additional options for creating a statistical chart:

Chart for this day

Chart for selected days

Chart for all days


Diagram for displaying access statistics for a single day

Diagram for displaying access statistics for a single day


It is possible to mark multiple days by holding Ctrl while selecting a row. Click on the button Selection by days of the week, to get a popup window for specifying the specific days of the week. In an additional window you can select the days you want to include in the chart creation.


Select specific days of the week

Select specific days of the week

Chart for this day

If you want to display the chart for one day only, click this option.


Diagram for displaying access statistics for a single day

Diagram for displaying access statistics for a single day

All current sessions

By requesting all current sessions, the Statistics tab lists the session id, user (if available), project (if available) and the count of active VertiGIS sessions. By clicking the right mouse button on a session ID, it is possible to display detailed information about each individual session ID. The user can list the statistics over a certain selected period of time for individual projects or the entire application WebOffice 10.9 R4 application can be listed. Additionally the user has the possibility to sort the different columns.


SynAdmin statistics tab - All current sessions

SynAdmin statistics tab - All current sessions


Optionally, it is possible to export the statistics as a CSV file. To do this, click on the button Export as CSV file and if necessary activate the option Selected only.


See chapter WEB-INF Directory for information where the WebOffice statistic files are saved and can be accessed directly.

Statistics with activated WebOffice usermanagement

If the WebOffice usermanagement is enabled in the application configuration, an additional category (users by number of calls) can be used to generate the statistics of WebOffice 10.9 R4.


SynAdmin statistics tab with activated WebOffice usermanagement

SynAdmin statistics tab with activated WebOffice usermanagement