Measure Area
Click x to start measuring an area in the WebOffice flex client. Depending on your WebOffice 10.9 R3 project configuration the tool form will appear differently:
•Measure with predefined styles
Start your drawing by clicking into the map, finish with a double click or by clicking ^. If you click k while drawing, any valid unfinished measurements (any polygon with at least three vertices) will be finished. Click Clear to remove any existing drawings. Click Send Email to open your Mail client and send a link with the current drawings.
Measure with Predefined Styles
A tool dialog will open that lets you choose the predefined markup style for your drawing. Additionally, decide whether to display measurements in the map or just the drawing.
Note: Predefined markup styles will define the stroke color, fill color, text color, text background color, line width and text size.
Note: VertiGIS recommends to favor this option instead of the style dialogue since it is easier for the user and reduces user interface complexity.
Measure Area with predefined markup style in the WebOffice flex client
Menu Item |
Description |
Markup Style |
Set the Markup Style |
Display Measure Values |
Specify if measurements are displayed in the map |
Unit of Length |
Set the Unit of Length (Meter, Foot, Inch) |
Unit of Area |
Set the Unit of Area (Square Meter, Square Foot, Acre) |
Measurement type |
Set the Measurement type (Geodesic, Planar) |
3D Measure |
Calculates the 3D profile of the measured area |
Toggle Snap Display |
activates / deactivates snapping Note: In WebOffice flex Client the first snap profile configured in the project configuration will be used. |
Send Email |
Sends an email of the current map including distances |
Undo Step |
Takes back the last geometry change of the active measurement |
Clear |
Deletes all drawings |
Measure area tool form properties
A tool dialog will open that lets you specify Line width and color. Additionally, decide whether to display measurements in the map or just the drawing.
Note: With the style dialogue only default text style can be used.
Measure Area with style dialogue in the WebOffice flex client
Menu Item |
Description |
Stroke Color |
Adjust the color of the line |
Line Width |
Set the width of the line |
Fill Color |
Adjust the fill color of the polygon |
Display Measure Values |
Specify if measurements are displayed in the map |
Unit of Length |
Set the Unit of Length (Meter, Foot, Inch) |
Unit of Area |
Set the Unit of Area (Square Meter, Square Foot, Acre) |
Measurement type |
Set the Measurement type (Geodesic, Planar) |
3D Measure |
Calculates the 3D profile of the measured area |
Toggle Snap Display |
activates / deactivates snapping Note: In WebOffice flex Client the first snap profile configured in the project configuration will be used. |
Send Email |
Sends an email of the current map including distances |
Undo Step |
Takes back the last geometry change of the active measurement |
Clear |
Deletes all drawings |
Measure area tool form properties
During an active measuring process, the vertexes that have already been set can be moved by touching and dragging.
Moving of a vertex of an active measurement in the WebOffice flex
Vertexes can be inserted or deleted during an active measurement. This requires a right click on the desired vertex.
Insert or delete a vertex of an active measurement in the WebOffice flex client
Note: See chapter Measure Area for details about the tool configuration in WebOffice author standalone.