Measure Distance tool in the WebOffice core client

Measure Distance tool in the WebOffice core client


Measure a Distance

After clicking the Measure Distance tool you can directly start measuring distances in the main map display. Press the calculator symbol to select one of the configured Measure Units. In case you are using measuring the length of the most recent segment as well as the overall distance will be displayed below the checkbox and can be copied to the clipboard by pressing the button in the top right corner of the blue box. Additionally, you can further define which measure elements (segments, total length, vertices and subtotals) you want to display in the map. You can choose the redlining style and use snapping if it is configured.


Place a vertex in the map with one left-click, finish the object with a double-click or by pressing the Add Feature button. Pressing Send Email will let you open your mail program and send an email with a state id link that includes the saved redlining that has been created in this session.

Note: See chapter Email Map for details about what is saved in a state.


Measuring a distance using snapping in the WebOffice core client

Measuring a distance using snapping in the WebOffice core client


Note: See chapter Markup for details about the configuration of support for orthogonal measuring in WebOffice author.


Edit a Measuring

There are two ways of editing a measuring:

1.The object has not been finished (pressed Add Feature or with double-click) but you want to change vertices/the feature that already has been placed. There are several options to edit objects while still measuring in the map:

Move the cursor over an existing point, move the point with drag and drop it on the new location.

Open the context menu with a right-click for several editing functions.


Note: For details regarding the measuring context menu see chapter Measure/Markup.


2.The object has been finished (pressed Add Feature or with double-click) already. Open the Current Objects section and zoom to the object you want to edit with the magnifier button. When you select an object, the point of origin will be displayed with a larger green point for a couple of seconds. Finally, click the pencil button which enables you to do all editing operation like in first step.


Selecting objects and zoom to them in the WebOffice core client

Selecting objects and zoom to them in the WebOffice core client


Delete a Measuring

There are several options to delete a measuring:

1.If you have not pressed Add Feature (or double-clicked the point) so far you can delete a vertex via the context menu (right mouse click on the vertex).

2.You can open the Current Objects section and click the button to delete a specific object or press Remove All.

3.Click the Clear Selection tool to remove ALL redlining objects


Offset a Measuring

The measurement text, which represents the measured distance, can be placed in three different ways. The type can be chosen from a drop-down menu.

1.No Offset: The measurement is displayed directly next to the measuring line.

2.Orthogonal Offset: The line and text are offset orthogonally to the measured line after measuring a distance. The offset is possible in both directions and can be activated by a mouse click.

3.Free Offset: The  line and text are are offset freely to the measured line after the measuring of a distance. The offset is possible in all directions and can be activated by a mouse click.


Options for offsetting a measurement: No Offset (left), Orthogonal Offset (center), Free Offset (right)

Options for offsetting a measurement: No Offset (left), Orthogonal Offset (center), Free Offset (right)


Note: The guiding lines that indicate the offset are displayed in the same style as the dimension line but without arrowheads.


Use selection

It is possible to use existing selections as input geometry for distance measurement.

This allows you to easily dimension one or more selected objects (line(s), area(s)) with respect to their segments and vertices.


Use selection in WebOffice core client

Use selection in WebOffice core client


Hectometry (Hectometer markers)

Since WebOffice 10.9 R3 hectometer markers are supported.


For this purpose there is a new checkbox called Hectometry. No Offset must be selected before this tool can be used. If this is activated, a new column is shown on the right. Symbol type, Interval, Unit and Label can be selected.

Figure 1: Hectometer marks

Figure 1: Hectometer marks


Note: See chapter Measure Distance for details about the tool configuration in WebOffice author.

Note: See chapter Snap Layers for details about the configuration of snap layers in WebOffice author.

Note: See chapter Measure Units for details about the configuration of length and area units in WebOffice author.

Note: See chapter Measure/Markup for general information about working with measuring tools in the WebOffice core client.