If the full text search is configured correctly in the application configuration, you get an overview of the full text search configuration in the WebOffice Administration Page (SynAdmin). As you can see there is a new tab called Full text Search. If you made the above mentioned configuration steps for the first time, there won't be any search or sub indices (yellow exclamation mark).


SynAdmin Full Text Search tab

SynAdmin Full Text Search tab


In SynAdmin, as illustrated above, each configured subindex will be listed with the corresponding layer name and related information. It is important, that all projects (configured for the full text search) are initialized.

The relevancy of each of the subindices and their information regarding their state is illustrated in SynAdmin (Explanations for column State). The blue arrow symbol, which exists for each layer individually, allows the user to generate a subindex. The user can also select the desired indices by ticking them, and create new subindices using the button Recreate checked subindices. If the subindices were successfully created, the information regarding their state will be displayed with created. After that, the different search layers are initialized for the full text search.

The indices can be deleted with the buttons, which are located next to the buttons to create the subindices, or by clicking the Delete checked subindices button. Regardless of the state of the subindex the column Weigh. shows the configured result weight of every subindex of the list.


SynAdmin full-text search index creation

SynAdmin full-text search index creation


Within the WebOffice Administration Page (SynAdmin) there is an info button (yellow symbol on the right hand side) for each subindex concerning details for subindices. The details include (amongst others) the name of the subindex (map service/layer), indexed search fields, indexed result attributes, information about lookups and the result weight.



If objects are added, edited or deleted using edit functions of WebOffice 10.9 R4, the concerning subindex will be updated automatically only if these objects are in the same WebOffice 10.9 R4 application as the full text search is configured in.



If objects of another WebOffice 10.9 R4 application (or on desktop) are edited, the subindex will not be updated automatically. In this case, the subindex has to be newly calculated by the administrator on the WebOffice Administration Page (SynAdmin).

The calculation of specific (or all) subindices can be done using Batch Administration Request.


If a List of Lookup Definitions is configured subsequently on a search or result field that has already been indexed, you have to recreate the subindex so the lookups will be used also for the full text search. Lookups will also be considered if a WebOffice 10.9 R4 project is to be published in more than one language. Therefore, the correspondent tool has to be configured (Change Language) in order to make a language change possible.


If WebOffice usermanagement is configured, you have to note the following points:

Restrictions for layers as well as attributive filters are considered for indexing the full text search.

After changes in WebOffice usermanagement the affected subindices in the column State in SynAdmin are marked as out of date and have to be recreated.


The amount of needed disk space of a subindex (and therefore the necessary time to create it) is directly coincident with the number of features of a layer. With very large data (approx. 1 million features or more) the creation of a subindex may take some time and requires a large amount of disk space (directory ..\WebOffice FTS-Index\server\solr\WebOffice\data).

During creation of a subindex the temporary needed disk space may exceed the finally required disk space by the double amount. The administrator has to make sure that enough free disk space is available for subindex creation.


SynAdmin full text search subindex details

SynAdmin full text search subindex details



If a conflict with some Lookup definitions within multiple projects exists, a message in the information details of the affected subindex will show up under the main point Fields with lookup. Therefore the warning will be shown based on the appropriate conflict. If a conflict exists, the project configuration with configured Lookup has priority against the project configuration without the Lookup. Additionally to the information in the information details a warning will be shown in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 log file of the application.


SynAdmin full text search details - Lookup conflict

SynAdmin full text search details - Lookup conflict


In the tabular list of the subindex details the queries which use a specified subindex are displayed. If there are queries in different projects, which use the same layers (feature classes), you can see here the aggregation of the configurations. Also consider the notes below the subindex details, explaining the various meanings of different types of brackets.


SynAdmin full text search detail list

SynAdmin full text search detail list


All indexed search fields and result fields of a query, which was indexed for the full text search, are listed within the details for the selected subindex.

The following data types are supported in course of the indexing process in WebOffice 10.9 R4:

Click to expand!Regarding search fields:
Click to expand!Regarding results fields:



Please consider the following points for field values of type GLOBALID, GUID, OID or DATE during the indexing process:

No Lookups are dissolved

No FTS synonyms are replaced

No FTS word delimiters are applied

No phonetic alignment is applied

You will be able to search for a GUID (for example {6D80E51C-EF16-48CB-BCE5-E35ED9A29887}) even if the minus sign is used as a FTS word delimiter. In this case, other search terms like EF16 can only be found if the search assistant LIKE is activated.


For all other field values of type SINGLE, DOUBLE, INTEGER, SMALL_INTEGER or STRING, all points of the note above (Lookups, FTS synonyms, FTS word delimiters and phonetic alignment) are applied.


The respective settings for the result precision within the General Settings do not affect the field values of type SINGLE or DOUBLE while executing a full text search. In this case the settings within the ArcGIS Server are used both for the indexing process as well as for the display of the results.


For field values of type DATE the date format, which is configured within the application configuration, are used both for the indexing process as well as for the display of the results. This date format is also used for searching for date values within the full text search.


If there are problems with the creation of indexes during the full text search in the SynAdmin this is indicated by a red cross at the beginning of the line. Additionally, the user can get more information about the specific error by displaying it via a tooltip at the column State or by using the red cross icon. The mouse must be moved over these columns. The error information provides additional hints about problems with the initialization of the index.


Display of a failed initialization of a subindex including error description as tooltip  

Display of a failed initialization of a subindex including error description as tooltip


If data is changed that is related to a subindex, the state of the subindex is displayed as out of date in SynAdmin. Please note, that the data for the index is prepared WebOffice. SOLR is used to physically store the index. Solely WebOffice decides whether a subindex is out of date because SOLR does not have access to third-party systems (e.g. ArcMap).


Visualization of the state "out of date" in SynAdmin

Visualization of the state "out of date" in SynAdmin


The following scenarios lead to the status out of date:

The logfile describing the configuration of the subindices in the current FTS index is missing (see C:\Tomcat\webapps\<WebOffice application>\WEB-INF\work\fulltextsearch\fts_admin_log.xml).

A change to the application configuration or a project configuration has changed a subindex relevant configuration value (e.g. weighting, searchfields, resultfields, filterfields, definitionQuery, objectnameConcatenator, wordDelimiters, ftsSynonyms, phoneticLocale, phoneticAlignment, dateFormat; see C:\Tomcat\webapps\<WebOffice application>\WEB-INF\work\fulltextsearch\fts_admin_log.xml).

Editing a feature in WebOffice could not be synchronized to FTS index (e.g. because it was temporarily unavailable).

Editing a feature using a WebOffice External Call could not be synchronized to FTS index (e.g. because it was temporarily unavailable).

The number of features in the subindex does not match the current number of features of the layer.

The largest and smallest OBJECTID in the subindex does not match the largest and smallest OBJECTID of the layer.


This scenario can be corrected by configuring full text search status fields in WebOffice author standalone. For details about the configuration of full text search status fields, see chapter Full Text Search Status Fields.


If one or more features are changed by a third system (e.g. ArcMap) without changing the number of features or the smallest or largest OBJECTID (e.g. editing an attribute in ArcMap, neither deleting or nor adding), this is not recognized, although the subindex is functionally out of date.


By configuring full text search status fields changes to the status fields are recognized. For details about the configuration of full text search status fields, see chapter Full Text Search Status Fields.


If the request of the current state of the index failed, because of unavailability of the service, the state of the index will turn to no connection in the SynAdmin. The state no connection is colored in orange. An additional explanation of that state is also visible directly in the SynAdmin. A tooltip with detailed information about the connection problems will be visible by a mouseover operation directly on the state of the affected index.


Visualization of the state "no connection" in SynAdmin

Visualization of the state "no connection" in SynAdmin



For details about the installation of the full text search, see chapter WebOffice FTS-Index.

For details about the configuration of the full text search in the application configuration, see chapter Full Text Search.

If you encounter problems with the initialization of indexes in connection with jointed data, please read the chapter Problems During Initializing a Subindex for a Joined Layer.

If you have problems with the full text search, see problem analyses in the chapter Problems Related to Full Text Search.

For the configuration of the full text search status fields in the WebOffice author standalone see chapter Full Text Search Status Fields.